Example of Formatting a Number Using a Formatter

To format a number numberVal as a floating point value with two (2) decimal places and thousands separator you can do:

Double dv = numberVal as Double
def fmt = new Formatter(adf.context.locale)
def ret = (dv != null) ? fmt.format('%,.2f', dv) : null

If the value of numberVal were 12345.6789, and the current user's locale is US English, then this would produce a formatted string like:


If instead the current user's locale is Italian, it would produce a formatted string like:


To format a number numberVal as a floating point value with three (3) decimal places and no thousands separator you can do:

Double dv = numberVal as Double
def fmt = new Formatter(adf.context.locale)
def ret = (dv != null) ? fmt.format('%.3f', dv) : null

If the value of numberVal were 12345.6789, and the current user's locale is US English, then this would produce a formatted string like:


To format a number value with no decimal places to have a zero-padded width of 8, you can do:

Long lv = numberVal as Long
def fmt = new Formatter(adf.context.locale)
def ret = (lv != null) ? fmt.format('%08d', lv) : null

If the value of numberVal were 5543, then this would produce a formatted string like: