Formatting a Date Using a Formatter

To format a datetime value datetimeVal to display only the hours and minutes in 24-hour format, you can do:

Date dv = datetimeVal as Date
def fmt = new Formatter(adf.context.locale)
def ret = (dv != null) ? fmt.format('%tH:%tM', dv, dv) : null

If the value of datetimeVal were 2014-03-19 17:07:45, then this would produce a formatted string like:


To format a date value dateVal to display the day of the week, month name, the day, and the year, you can do:

Date dv = dateVal as Date
def fmt = new Formatter(adf.context.locale)
def ret = (dv != null) ? fmt.format('%tA, %tB %te, %tY',dv,dv,dv,dv) : null

If the value of dateVal were 2014-03-19, and the current user's locale is US English, then this would produce a formatted string like:

Wednesday, March 19, 2014