Inserting an Expression for Fields of Related Objects

The Fields tab of the palette, as shown below, displays the current object at the root of the tree, and allows you to explore the related objects and collections of related objects by expanding the tree nodes.

If the selected node has the single-row icon icon for single row, then it represents a single, related object. If the selected node has the multiple-row icon icon for mutliple rows, then it represents a collection of related objects.

For example, in the figure, the tree shows Activities with the multiple-row icon, so this represents the collection of Activity objects related to the current trouble ticket. The Contact node has a single-row icon so it represents a single Contact object that is the customer who reported the trouble ticket. The Assigned To node represents the staff member to whom the trouble ticket has been assigned, and lastly, the Manager node represents the manager of that staff member.

As shown in the numbered steps in the figure, to insert the name of a field, do the following:

  1. Select the object you want to work with, for example the Manager of the staff member Assigned To this Trouble Ticket

  2. In the fields table, select the field you want to insert, for example Contact Name

  3. Click the (Insert) button to insert the field's name.

Inserting a Field Name Using Expression Palette's Fields Tab

If the field on the selected object is directly accessible from the current object through "dot" navigation, then the expression palette will insert the expression for you. For example, if you click (Insert) after selecting the Contact Name field of the Manager object related to the Assigned To staff member assigned to the current Trouble Ticket, then the expression inserted will be:
