Example of Segment Value Security

You can set up segment value security rules on value sets to control access to parent or detail segment values for chart of accounts segments. Segment value security rules restrict data entry, online inquiry, and reporting.

The following example describes why and how you might want to use segment value security.

Securing Values for the Cost Center and Account Segments

For this scenario, only certain users should have access to the Accounting cost center and the US Revenue account. To create a complete data security policy that restricts segment value access to those users:

  1. Plan for the number of roles that represent the unique segment value security profiles for your users. For this scenario, you can create two roles, one for the cost center segment and one for the account segment.

  2. Use the Security Console to create the roles. Append the text SVS-role to the role names so it's clear the roles are solely for segment value security. For this scenario, you create roles Accounting Cost Center-SVS Role and US Revenue Account-SVS Role.

  3. Use the Manage Segment Value Security Rules task to enable security on the cost center and account value sets associated with the chart of accounts.

  4. Create a condition for each value set. For example, the condition for the Accounting cost center is that the cost center is equal to Accounting.

  5. Create a policy to associate the conditions to the roles. For example, create a policy to assign the condition for the Accounting cost center to the role Accounting Cost Center-SVS Role.

  6. Use the Security Console to assign the appropriate role to the appropriate user. For example, assign the role Accounting Cost Center-SVS Role to the users who should have access to the Accounting cost center.

Note: If you're enabling security on the value set for the very first time and haven't created any segment value security rules for it yet, you can also use the Manage Segment Value Security Rule spreadsheet as an alternative to steps 3 through 5.