Can I use Page Composer to configure all elements on a page?

No, you can't use Page Composer to configure all UI elements on a page.

Some UI elements are protected from updates to preserve the product business logic. For example, if a field is read-only because of a security privilege defined in the application, you can't edit the field.

You can't select some page elements in the Select mode of Page Composer. For others, the Edit Component option is disabled or only a subset of the properties are available in the Component Properties dialog box.

Caution: Don't edit the Taskflow Id parameter in Page Composer Task List properties. This may damage page metadata.

In general, you can configure at least some of the properties of the following page components:

  • af:activeOutputText

  • af:inputComboboxListOfValues

  • af:inputDate

  • af:inputFile

  • af:inputListOfValues

  • af:inputNumberSlider

  • af:inputNumberSpinbox

  • af:inputRangeSlider

  • af:goLink

  • af:query

  • af:inputText

  • af:outputFormatted

  • af:outputText

  • af:panelLabelAndMessage

  • af:panelFormLayout

  • af:panelHeader

  • af:richTextEditor

  • af:selectBooleanCheckbox

  • af:selectBooleanRadio

  • af:selectManyCheckbox

  • af:selectManyChoice

  • af:selectManyListbox

  • af:selectManyShuttle

  • af:selectOneChoice

  • af:selectOneListbox

  • af:selectOneRadio

  • af:selectOrderShuttle

  • af:showDetailHeader

  • af:table

  • af:column

  • fnd:applicationsTable

  • af:commandMenuItem

  • af:menu

  • af:panelGroupLayout

  • af:panelTabbed

  • af:group

  • af:commandButton