
Use Perl to invoke web services using various techniques such as HTTP::Request and SOAP::Lite.


Use HTTP::Request to directly construct and process the XML for the SOAP web services.

The following is a sample code to:
  1. Construct an xml payload to invoke the service. This example code passes a hard coded string, which is encoded to UTF-8 byte array, to the request.

  2. Construct a Base64-encoded string for the credentials of the service call.

  3. Create a POST request for the service.

  4. Configure the request content type to be xml, to use basic authentication with Base64-encoded credentials.

  5. Set the SOAPAction to be invoked. Though the service call works without this value, it is a recommended standard.

  6. Write the xml payload to the request.

  7. Call the service.

  8. Process the response. This example just prints the response.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use MIME::Base64;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'perl post');

# Construct xml payload to invoke the service. In the example, it is hard coded.
my $envelope = <<END;
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
        <fetchStart xmlns="">0</fetchStart>
        <fetchSize xmlns="">-1</fetchSize>
        <filter xmlns="">
     <excludeAttribute xmlns="">false</excludeAttribute>
       <retrieveAllTranslations xmlns="">false</retrieveAllTranslations>

# Construct the base 64 encoded string used as the credentials for the service call.
my $credentials = encode_base64('username:password');
my $url = 'https://host:port/icCnSetupCreditRulesPublicService/CreditRuleService';

# Create new POST request
my $req=new HTTP::Request 'POST',$url;

# Configure the request to use basic authentication, with base64-encoded user name and password to invoke the service.
$req->header('Authorization' => "Basic " . $credentials);

# Set the SOAP action to be invoked; while the call works without this, the value is expected to be set based on standards
$req->header('SOAPAction' =>

# Configure the request content type to be xml, HTTP method to be POST, and set the content length
$req->header('Content-Type' => 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8');

# Write the xml payload to the request.

# Call the service
my $response=$ua->request($req);

# Process the response. In this example, we simply print the response.
print $response->error_as_HTML unless $response->is_success;
print $response->as_string;


The following is a SOAP:Lite code example to:
  1. Create a new of the SOAP Lite.

  2. Register the namespaces for the envelope.

  3. Create a SOAP header with security information.

  4. Call the service.

  5. Process the response. This example just prints the response.

use lib '/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/';
use MIME::Base64;
use SOAP::Lite;

SOAP::Lite->import(trace => debug);

# Create a new instance for the SOAP Lite
my $soap = SOAP::Lite->new(
           proxy => 'http://host:port/hcmEmploymentCoreWorker/WorkerService',
           service => 'http://host:port/hcmEmploymentCoreWorker/WorkerService?wsdl',
# Register namespace(s) for the envelope
my $serializer = $soap->serializer();
$serializer->register_ns( '', 'typ' );

# Create SOAP header with security information
my $auth = SOAP::Header->new( name => "wsse:Security" );
$auth->attr( { "xmlns:wsse" => ""});
$auth->value( \SOAP::Data->value(
               SOAP::Data->name("wsse:UsernameToken" => \SOAP::Data->value(
                  SOAP::Data->name("wsse:Username" => 'username')->type(""),
                  SOAP::Data->name("wsse:Password" => 'password')->type("")
                  ->attr( {"Type" => ""}),
                  SOAP::Data->name("wsse:nonce" => 'jwCzGGijT90Wml6eZe4cxg==')->type("")
                  ->attr( {"EncodingType" => ""}),
                  SOAP::Data->name("wsse:created" => '2012-07-04T06:49:48.981Z')->type("")
                )->attr( {"wsu:Id" => "UsernameToken-2",
                          "xmlns:wsu" => ""
# Populate parameters to call the service
my $parameters =SOAP::Data->name("typ:personId" => '300000010363707')->type("");

# Call the service
my $result = $soap->call(SOAP::Data->name('typ:getWorker') => $parameters, $auth);

# Process the response. In this example, we simply print the response
die $result->faultstring if ($result->fault);
print $result->result, "\n";
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  • Invoking SOAP Web Services