
Use Ruby to invoke web services using SOAP clients such as Savon.

You must install and configure the development environment and then create the base application:
  • Create application, for example rails new WsTest1

  • Create controller, for example rails generate WsCallSample WsCall controller

  • Set the root. In this example, delete public/index.html and modify the root property in config/routes.rb to WsCallSample#WsCall

  • Add Savon to the application, for example add gem'savon' to app/Gemfile

For more information, see Ruby on Rails.

The following is a sample code to create a HTML form to enter the payload to be passed to the service, and invoke processing for Savon and net/https call. In this example application, the HTML form is created under views/ws_call_sample/WsCall.html.erb.

<form name="envelope" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="INPUT_PAYLOAD" >
  <input type="hidden" name="OUTPUT_PAYLOAD" >
   <%= submit_tag "Invoke Savon", :name => "invokeSavon" %>
  <%= submit_tag "Invoke HttpRequest", :name => "invokeHttpRequest" %>
  <table style="width:100%; font-size: small;" align=center>
      <td  align="left"><b>Input Payload</b></td>
      <td  align="left"><b>Output Payload</b></td>
      <td align="center"><textarea name="inputpayload" wrap="off" style="width:100%;height:100%" rows=30 ><%= params["inputpayload"] %></textarea></td>
      <td align="center"><textarea name="outputpayload" wrap="off" style="width:100%;height:100%" rows=30  ><%= params["xmlbody"] %></textarea></td>

The following is a sample code to update the controller to handle the submissions from the HTML form. In this example application, the controller is under controllers/ws_call_sample_controller.rb. This code processes the envelope in the input, executes using Savon and basic net/https call, and displays the response in the output field.

require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'rexml/document'
require "net/https"
require 'uri'
class WsCallSampleController < ApplicationController
  def WsCall
    username ="username";
    password ="password";
    if params['invokeSavon']
      # Process submission when the invokeSavon button was pressed
      url = "https://host:port/icCnSetupCreditRulesPublicService/CreditRuleService?wsdl";
      # Create new instance of the Savon client using basic authentication
      client = Savon.client(wsdl: url, basic_auth: [username, password], ssl_verify_mode: :none )
      # Call the service with the envelope provided as input
      response =, xml: input)
      # Parse the response to XML
      doc = Nokogiri::XML(response.to_xml  ,&:noblanks)
      s = doc.to_xml( indent:2, indent_text:" " )
      # Populate reponse content to a variable to be displayed on the output area
      params["xmlbody"] = s
    elsif params['invokeHttpRequest']
      # Process submission when the invokeHttpRequest button was pressed
      uri = URI.parse("https://host:port/icCnSetupCreditRulesPublicService/CreditRuleService")
      # Create new instance of HTTP object
      http =, uri.port)
      # The request uses SSL, certificates are NOT verified
      http.use_ssl = true
      http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
      # Create new instance of HTTP POST request
      request =
      # Configure the request content type to be xml and SOAP action
      request.basic_auth(username, password)
      request.add_field("SOAPAction", "")
      request.add_field("Content-Type", "text/xml;charset=UTF-8")
      # Set the envelope content obtained from the input to the request
      request.body = input
      # Execute the request and obtain the response
      response = http.request(request)
      # Parse the response to XML
      doc = Nokogiri::XML(response.body ,&:noblanks)
      s = doc.to_xml( indent:2, indent_text:" " )
      # Populate reponse content to a variable to be displayed on the output area
      params["xmlbody"] = s
      # For any other action than invokeSavon / invokeHttpRequest default the input SOAP enveloper
      params["inputpayload"] = ""+
        "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\"> " + "\n"+
        "  <soap:Body> " + "\n"+
        "    <findRule xmlns=\"\"> " + "\n"+
        "      <findCriteria> " + "\n"+
        "        <fetchStart xmlns=\"\">0</fetchStart> " + "\n"+
        "        <fetchSize xmlns=\"\">-1</fetchSize> " + "\n"+
        "        <filter xmlns=\"\"> " + "\n"+
        "          <group> " + "\n"+
        "            <upperCaseCompare>false</upperCaseCompare> " + "\n"+
        "            <item> " + "\n"+
        "              <upperCaseCompare>false</upperCaseCompare> " + "\n"+
        "                <attribute>RuleId</attribute> " + "\n"+
        "                <operator>=</operator> " + "\n"+
        "                <value>300000000851162</value> " + "\n"+
        "            </item> " + "\n"+
        "          </group> " + "\n"+
        "        </filter> " + "\n"+
        "        <excludeAttribute xmlns=\"\">false</excludeAttribute> " + "\n"+
        "      </findCriteria> " + "\n"+
        "      <findControl> " + "\n"+
        "        <retrieveAllTranslations xmlns=\"\">false</retrieveAllTranslations> " + "\n"+
        "      </findControl> " + "\n"+
        "    </findRule> " + "\n"+
        "  </soap:Body> " + "\n"+
        "</soap:Envelope> " ;
Related Topics
  • Java Client
  • Oracle Database
  • .NET Framework
  • PHP
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Invoking SOAP Web Services