Create an incident




Body ()
The question or the request for help submitted by a customer through the Ask a Question page, email, a chat session, site or answer feedback, or from an external source using the API. Incidents can also be added by agents when they work with customers by phone, fax, or mail.
Root Schema : incidents
Type: object
The question or the request for help submitted by a customer through the Ask a Question page, email, a chat session, site or answer feedback, or from an external source using the API. Incidents can also be added by agents when they work with customers by phone, fax, or mail.
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Nested Schema : incidents-assignedTo
Type: object
The collection of staff account and staff group.
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  • The account represents a staff member in Oracle B2C Service. Examples of staff members are customer sales representatives, sales agents, site administrators, and so on. It is the reference to a resource in 'accounts' collection. Only ID or lookupName can be provided to specify the resource.
  • namedIDs-incidents-assignedTo-staffGroup
    An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
Nested Schema : incidents-banner
Type: object
The display flags of a banner.
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Nested Schema : incidents-billedMinutes
Type: object
The work time applied to incidents through the Time Billed feature.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-channel
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-chatQueue
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : incidents-fileAttachments
Type: object
The file attachment that includes fields specific to incidents.
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Nested Schema : interface
Type: object
The console, windows, and pages used by staff members and customers to access the application and interact with a single knowledge base. The interface name determines the URL for the web site, the name of the system executables, and the .cfg directory name. It is the reference to a resource in 'siteInterfaces' collection. Only ID or lookupName can be provided to specify the resource.
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-language
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-mailing
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : incidents-milestoneInstances
Type: object
The milestone instances associated with incidents.
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Nested Schema : otherContacts
Type: array
The customers or end users of Oracle B2C Service site. A contact contains basic information such as a customer's name, email address, and phone number. It also contains information about customer service issues, opportunities, and marketing mailings subscription status. It is the reference to a resource in 'contacts' collection. Only ID or lookupName can be provided to specify the resources.
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Nested Schema : primaryContact
Type: object
The customers or end users of Oracle B2C Service site. A contact contains basic information such as a customer's name, email address, and phone number. It also contains information about customer service issues, opportunities, and marketing mailings subscription status. It is the reference to a resource in 'contacts' collection. Only ID or lookupName can be provided to specify the resource.
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-queue
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-responseEmailAddressType
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-severity
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : incidents-sLAInstance
Type: object
The instance of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) as applied to an incident.
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Nested Schema : namedIDHierarchies-incidents-source
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : incidents-statusWithType
Type: object
The status of an object with its associated status type.
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Nested Schema : incidents-threads
Type: object
The incident discussion thread entry.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-assignedTo-staffGroup
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-banner-importanceFlag
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-billedMinutes-billableTask
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-milestoneInstances-milestone
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-sLAInstance-nameOfSLA
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-sLAInstance-stateOfSLA
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDHierarchies-incidents-source-parents
Type: object
NamedID in which the ID is read-only. Used for hierarchies, where caller can specify the parents by name, but cannot specify the parent IDs.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-statusWithType-status
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
Show Source
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-statusWithType-statusType
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-threads-channel
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-threads-contentType
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-threads-entryType
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : incidents
Type: object
The question or the request for help submitted by a customer through the Ask a Question page, email, a chat session, site or answer feedback, or from an external source using the API. Incidents can also be added by agents when they work with customers by phone, fax, or mail.
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Nested Schema : incidents-assignedTo
Type: object
The collection of staff account and staff group.
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  • The account represents a staff member in Oracle B2C Service. Examples of staff members are customer sales representatives, sales agents, site administrators, and so on. It is the reference to a resource in 'accounts' collection. Only ID or lookupName can be provided to specify the resource.
  • namedIDs-incidents-assignedTo-staffGroup
    An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
Nested Schema : incidents-banner
Type: object
The display flags of a banner.
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Nested Schema : incidents-billedMinutes
Type: object
The work time applied to incidents through the Time Billed feature.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-channel
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-chatQueue
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
Show Source
Nested Schema : incidents-fileAttachments
Type: object
The file attachment that includes fields specific to incidents.
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Nested Schema : interface
Type: object
The console, windows, and pages used by staff members and customers to access the application and interact with a single knowledge base. The interface name determines the URL for the web site, the name of the system executables, and the .cfg directory name. It is the reference to a resource in 'siteInterfaces' collection. Only ID or lookupName can be provided to specify the resource.
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-language
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-mailing
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : incidents-milestoneInstances
Type: object
The milestone instances associated with incidents.
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Nested Schema : otherContacts
Type: array
The customers or end users of Oracle B2C Service site. A contact contains basic information such as a customer's name, email address, and phone number. It also contains information about customer service issues, opportunities, and marketing mailings subscription status. It is the reference to a resource in 'contacts' collection. Only ID or lookupName can be provided to specify the resources.
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Nested Schema : primaryContact
Type: object
The customers or end users of Oracle B2C Service site. A contact contains basic information such as a customer's name, email address, and phone number. It also contains information about customer service issues, opportunities, and marketing mailings subscription status. It is the reference to a resource in 'contacts' collection. Only ID or lookupName can be provided to specify the resource.
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-queue
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-responseEmailAddressType
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-severity
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : incidents-sLAInstance
Type: object
The instance of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) as applied to an incident.
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Nested Schema : namedIDHierarchies-incidents-source
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : incidents-statusWithType
Type: object
The status of an object with its associated status type.
Show Source
Nested Schema : incidents-threads
Type: object
The incident discussion thread entry.
Show Source
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-assignedTo-staffGroup
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
Show Source
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-banner-importanceFlag
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
Show Source
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-billedMinutes-billableTask
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-milestoneInstances-milestone
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-sLAInstance-nameOfSLA
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-sLAInstance-stateOfSLA
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDHierarchies-incidents-source-parents
Type: object
NamedID in which the ID is read-only. Used for hierarchies, where caller can specify the parents by name, but cannot specify the parent IDs.
Show Source
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-statusWithType-status
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
Show Source
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-statusWithType-statusType
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
Show Source
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-threads-channel
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
Show Source
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-threads-contentType
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
Show Source
Nested Schema : namedIDs-incidents-threads-entryType
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Use POST with the following syntax to create a new incident object:


Request URI example

Request body example

    "id": 2
"subject": "FishPhone not working"


The primaryContact (ID or LookupName) and subject fields are required for incidents.

Response body example

  "id": 67,
  "lookupName": "160128-000000",
  "createdTime": "2016-01-28T21:06:35.000Z",
  "updatedTime": "2016-01-28T21:06:35.000Z",
    "asset": null,
    "assignedTo": {
        "account": null,
        "staffGroup": null


    "primaryContact": {
        "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "canonical",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "describedby",
            "href": ""


    "subject": "FishPhone not working",
    "threads": {
        "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""
    "links": [
        "rel": "self",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "canonical",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "describedby",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "alternate",
        "href": "",
        "mediaType": "application/schema+json"
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