Get a standard content




Path Parameters
  • The unique identifier of the standard content object.
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Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : standardContents
Type: object
The preformed text or HTML content that can be sent to customers when responding to incidents, appended to responses by a business rule, or sent by an agent during a chat session.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-standardContents-adminVisibleInterfaces
Type: object
The named ID that can be included in a list.
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Nested Schema : standardContents-attributes
Type: object
The list of attributes for the standard content object.
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Nested Schema : standardContents-contentValues
Type: object
The standard content value with a data type and a formatted data value.
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Nested Schema : standardContents-folder
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : standardContents-usage
Type: object
The usage information about the standard content.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-standardContents-contentValues-contentType
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : standardContents-folder-parents
Type: object
NamedID in which the ID is read-only. Used for hierarchies, where caller can specify the parents by name, but cannot specify the parent IDs.
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Use GET with the following syntax to retrieve a specific standard content (standard text) object:


Request URI example

Response body example

  "id": 3,
  "lookupName": "Customer Greeting",
  "adminVisibleInterfaces": {
    "links": [
        "rel": "self",
        "href": "
  "attributes": {
    "displayRightToLeft": false
  "contentValues": {
    "links": [
        "rel": "self",
        "href": "
  "displayOrder": 3,
  "folder": null,
  "hotKey": null,
  "name": "Customer Greeting",
  "usage": {
    "chatText": false,
    "chatURL": false,
    "incidentText": true,
    "ruleText": true
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "canonical",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "describedby",
      "href": "",
      "mediaType": "application/schema+json"
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