Site Details

Detailed information about a site displays when you select it on the Sites page.

Site Details

Detail Description
Instance Overview Clicking this tile displays high-level information about the site.
  • Service status

  • Number of existing interfaces

  • Number of existing mailboxes

  • Number of existing test sites

Note: This is the default view.
Site Details Displays additional information about the site.
  • Version

  • Creation Date

  • Subscription Id

  • Current Patch

Interfaces Clicking this tile displays information about any interfaces associated with the site.
  • Interface Name

  • Language

  • Customer Portal URL

  • Agent Desktop URL

From here, you can create new interfaces or refresh the current page. The two drop-down lists on the page allow you to select and perform site-related tasks, or tasks that are specific to an interface.

Mailboxes Clicking this tile displays information about any mailboxes associated with the site.
  • Mailbox Name

  • Status (enabled or disabled)

  • Mailbox Type

  • Interface Name

From here, you can create new mailboxes or refresh the current page. The two drop-down lists on the page allow you to select and perform site-related tasks, or tasks that are specific to a mailbox.

Service Integrations Clicking this tile displays the list of service integrations available for your site. They can include:
  • Smart Interaction Hub (SIH)

  • Intelligent Advisor

  • Browser User Interface (BUI)

    Note: The Agent Browser UI is enabled automatically when you create a B2C Service site.
  • Live Experience (LX)

Note: If available for your site, Knowledge Advanced (KA) will be enabled by default.