Add or Edit a B2C Service Interface

You can add a new interface to a B2C Service site or edit an existing one.

Adding an interface to a B2C Service site creates both a customer portal and an Agent Browser User Interface (Agent Browser UI) for your site. Customers can use your customer portal to access a variety of self-help tools. In addition to the Service Console, the Agent Browser UI gives you one more way to view and manage your B2C Service data. When created, you can edit the interface URL and, if your subscription allows it, interface features.

  1. From the Configuration Assistant main page, click the B2C Service site to which you want to add an interface.
  2. On the Site Details page, click the Interfaces tile.
  3. To create a new interface:
    1. Click Create Interface.
    2. In the Create Interface window, enter field information:

      Create Interface Fields

      Field Description

      Interface name

      Enter the name of the interface. This field accepts alphanumeric characters but cannot contain spaces. The name also cannot start or end with an underscore.


      The URL of the virtual host (vhost) for your site is automatically populated, based on the interface name.


      Scroll to select a language for the interface.


      Scroll to select a time zone for the interface.

      Look and Feel From

      Select a formatting style for the user interface.
      Note: The default look and feel will copy the look and feel from the primary interface.
    3. Click Create.
      A message confirms that your request to add an interface has been submitted.
    4. Click OK.

      The new interface appears in the interface list. However, the navigation and menu controls are disabled until the creation process completes.

      When the process completes, you might need to refresh the page to update the list of interfaces.

  4. To edit an existing interface:
    1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2.
    2. In the listing for the interface you want to edit, click the Interface Operations icon, represented by three vertical dots, and select Edit.
    3. If desired, edit the interface URL.
      Note: You cannot edit the interface name, language, or time zone.
    4. Enable or disable any of your interface features.
      Note: Interface features will be grayed out if your subscription doesn't include them.
    5. Click Save