Renew an Existing SSL Certificate

You can renew any active SSL certificate.

Before you start

Only an active SSL certificate is eligible for renewal. Before you can do so, however, you must first generate a new certificate signing request.

Here's what to do

  1. From the SSL Certificates page, select Request Renew CSR from the Active cert drop-down list.
    The request processes instantly. A new CSR appears in the SSL certificates list with the same name, and is used to renew the existing certificate. After the CSR generation is complete, the certificate status changes to Cert Needed.
  2. From the SSL Certificates main page, select Download Renewed CSR to download the renewed CSR. You can find this option on the renewed CSR’s menu icon.
    Note: You must purchase or renew the certificate from DigiCert or your preferred, publicly trusted Certificate Authority with this renewed CSR.
  3. After you obtain the new certificate from DigiCert, or from your preferred, publicly trusted Certificate Authority, select upload Renewed Certificate from the service’s menu icon on the SSL Certificates main page.
    An Upload SSL window appears.
    • Click Choose File and select the renewed SSL certificate.

    • Click Upload.

    After the renewed certificate is uploaded, the certificate status changes to Provisioned.

  4. From the service’s menu icon for the renewed certificate (with status Provisioned) on the SSL Certificates main page, select Activate Renewed Certificate.
    A Confirm Activate Renewed Certificate window appears.
  5. Click Activate. An Information window appears confirming the certificate was successfully activated.