Create a Color Scheme

The Color Schemes explorer lets you view standard color schemes used in conjunction with chart styles.

You can copy standard color schemes and edit the copies, or you can create your own custom color schemes.
Tip: When configuring charts to display on the Agent Browser UI, you can use any color scheme you want, but we suggest trying the Web Theme scheme which is configured for optimal display on web browsers.
  1. Click Analytics on the navigation pane and then double-click Color Schemes Explorer.
    The explorer opens, displaying the current color schemes.
  2. Click New.
    The New Color Scheme window opens, populated with default colors.
  3. To change a particular color, click the box with the color to open the Color window. See Change Colors.
  4. Enter the transparency value for the color scheme in the Transparency field.
    A transparency value of 0 displays a solid color, and a value of 255 is completely transparent with no color.
  5. Click Save.