Actions for Incident Rules

These are the actions that you can choose for incident rules.

Actions for Incident Rules

Action Description
Set Field Select this option, then select a field to set or change.

If customizable menu options have not been created, the Set Field action for that option (product, category, disposition, queue, or severity) does not appear on the menu.

Assigned Sets the Assigned field to the staff account you select.
Status Sets the Status field to the status you select.
Product Sets the Product field to the product you select.
Category Sets the Category field to the category you select.
Disposition Sets the Disposition field to the disposition you select.
Interface Sets the Interface field to the interface you select.
Queue ID Sets the Queue field to the queue you select.
Mailbox Sets the Mailbox field to the mailbox you select. Only those mailboxes enabled for outgoing mail are options on this menu.
Severity Sets the Severity field to the severity level you select.
Banner Flag Sets the importance of the flag to the level you select from the drop-down list and adds any text you type in the Banner Note field.
Apply SLA Instance Credits the incident against the SLA for the contact or organization and lets you apply an SLA instance if one does not exist.
Set Custom Field Select an incident custom field and set the value. You must add an incident custom field to your site in order for it to display.
Set Variable Set the variable to an absolute value, increment or decrement the variable, or append or prepend a character string. The available actions depend on the variable data type. For variables to display, they must be added to the Rules tree.
Set Field by Concatenation Select this field to create a rule that concatenates two fields.
Note: This action is only available in the Agent Browser User Interface.
Arithmetic Use the following arithmetic operators to create a rule with mathematical actions:
  • Set Field by Addition (Added To)
  • Set Field by Subtraction (Reduced By)
  • Set Field by Multiplication (Multiplied By)
  • Set Field by Division (Divided By)
  • Set Field by Modulo (Modulo)
Note: These actions are only available in the Agent Browser User Interface.
Append Thread Select this action to append any of these responses to the incident Note or Response fields. These actions should appear in the order you want the response to be formatted.

For example, if you want standard text to appear before suggested answers in the response, add the Append Response Template to Response Field action before adding the Append SmartAssistant Response to the Response Field action. The Append Response Template to Notes Field action appears only in the incident thread, not in the response.

Append Response Template to Notes Field Appends the standard text you select to the incident Note field. This action is available only if you have added standard text and selected the Rule Text check box on the Standard Text editor.
Append Response Template to Response Field Appends the standard text you select to the incident Response field. This action is available only if you have added standard text and selected the Rule Text check box on the Standard Text editor.
Append Existing Solution (by Answer ID) to Response Field Appends the solution for the Answer ID you enter to the incident Response field.
Append SmartAssistant Response to Response Field Appends the SmartAssistant suggested answer links to the incident response.

If you restrict the SmartAssistant suggested answers by product or category, the product or category value must appear in the subject or message text of the incident in order for matching answer links to be generated.

Append Response to the Uncommitted Response Buffer Use this action in conjunction with any of the Append Thread actions except Append Response Template to Notes Field.

This action appends the content you add to the incident response to the incident proposed response field rather than the incident thread. Content in the proposed response can be edited before it is saved to the thread.

Email Select this action to send one of these email notifications.

If you delete an email or transactional survey that is used in a rule, the rule base can still be activated, but the action will not be executed, and you will not be notified that the email was not sent.

Send Email Response to Sender Sends an email to the sender containing the incident subject and response.

To include the question and incident details in the email, select the appropriate check boxes. Do not add this action unless you have selected one of the incident rule actions that append a thread to an incident response. See actions available for Append Thread in this table.

Email Incident Information Sends a copy of the Question Receipt email message to the address you type in the field or select from a menu.

You can also send the information to the staff person assigned to the incident.

To include administration and customer fields, select the appropriate check boxes.

  • Administration fields must be selected before you can select customer fields.
  • Administration fields include the reference number, subject, date created, date last updated, status, assigned staff member, and the incident thread, including private notes.
  • Customer fields include the contact’s email address, first and last names, contact type, title, office phone number, organization, and any contact and organization custom field data.
Send Escalation Notification Sends an escalation notification to the staff member or group you specify.

You can also select a check box to send the escalation notice to the staff person assigned to the incident. If multiple recipients are selected, press Ctrl and click a recipient to add it to (or clear it from) the list of selected recipients.

Send Marketing Email Sends the mailing you select from the drop-down list to the contact for the incident.

The default time for sending the mailing is 0 hours, but you can specify the number of minutes, hours, or days after rules processing ends that you want to send the mailing. This option does not appear if Outreach is not enabled and if no mailings have been created.

Send Transactional Survey Sends the survey you select from the drop-down list to the contact for the incident.

The default time for sending the survey is 0 hours, but you can specify the number of minutes, hours, or days after rules processing ends that you want to send the survey. The survey will only be sent to the contact once per incident regardless of how many times the rule is matched.

At least one transactional survey (set for rule visibility) must have been added in order for this option to appear.

Send Receipt Email Sends a receipt email to the contact associated with an incident that was created through channels other than email or the Ask a Question page.

That is, if an incident is created by an agent on behalf of a customer, this action sends an email to the contact.

Execute Object Event Handler Select this action to trigger a custom process and then select the type of object event handler from the drop-down list.

For objects to display in the Execute Object Event Handler drop-down list, they must be added on the process designer and then the process model must be deployed.

Execute External Event If you need to trigger a custom process, we recommend that you use the Execute Object Event Handler action described in the previous row.
Do Not Create Incident Select this action to prevent an incident from being added. When an incident is being updated, this action has no effect.
Do Not Send Email Receipt Message Select this action to prevent the normal transmission of the email receipt message to the sender. If the incident meets the rule conditions, an automatic response is not sent to the customer.
Do Not Send Response Select this action to prevent an automatic response from being sent when an incident is updated.

For example, if your responses are delivered through a message system outside of B2C Service, you can use this rule to suppress an automatic response. To ensure all responses are suppressed, this rule must be executed last.

Assign Incident to Staff Member Assigned the Answer Select this action to assign the incident to the same staff member who is assigned the answer.

This action has meaning only when the incident source is End-User Pages/Feedback on Answers. A rule with this action fires only when an incident is created, not when it is subsequently edited.

Escalate Select this action to escalate the incident to the level you select and set other escalation settings.
Clear Escalation Select this action to clear the escalation level.