Overview of Report Output Levels

After you configure the primary output level in your report, you can add output levels, also referred to as drill-down levels, that contain details about records in the first level.

Report users access these secondary levels by clicking on records in the first level that act as links. This is configured in the report designer by grouping data in the primary output level, then creating a drill-down level with more information about the group’s data. You can have up to fifty drill-down levels in your report which can be linked to from the same output level or from sub-levels of the primary output level. See Drilling Down in Reports.

For example, you could create a report listing all unresolved incidents in your knowledge base grouped by the queue they are associated with. The report’s first output level could display every queue and the number of unresolved incidents in the queue. You could then create a second output level to display incident details when drilling down on a queue’s name, or on the number of unresolved incidents in the queue.

Each output level you add to a report can have its own headers, footers, charts, data exceptions, custom scripts, and other standard elements. These are configured in the same way as those on the primary output level.

You can also create drill-down functionality in reports by linking reports together. This method is used when the separate levels contain disparate information pulled from different database tables. See Overview of Linked Reports.