Drilling Down in Reports

The drill-down feature lets you click data in a report to open another report, dashboard, or output level to view information related to that shown in the first report or output level.

For instance, the first level of the standard Incidents by Category report displays category names and the number of incidents in each category grouped by date range. By clicking a category name in the report’s chart or tabular data, you can drill down on the category to open a new output level in the report showing the number of incidents in each subcategory. You can then drill down on each subcategory to open an additional level showing details about the incidents in the subcategory.

By default, output levels opened from drill-down links replace the parent output level on the content pane. You go back to other output levels, including the report’s top level, by clicking the level you want at the top of the report. Drill-down levels, reports, and dashboards opened from drill-down links can also be configured to display separately from the parent report. See Overview of Report Output Levels.

Tip: Usually, when drilling down into another output level in a report, the database is queried to ensure the most current data displays even if you have already viewed the output level. However, this can take extra time and may be unnecessary when viewing reports with data that does not change frequently. To more quickly load report output levels you have already viewed, you can cache the data shown in each level. See Change Report Properties.

Most reports with drill-downs open another output level in the same report. However, you can also link reports together to open another report when you click a drill-down link. See Overview of Linked Reports.