Report Format Tab

Buttons on the Format tab let you change the formatting of your report.

When viewing a report in the layout view, you can select a column and select options on the Format tab to change how the data in the column displays. For example, you can change the fonts, hide repeating lines of data, and replace numeric data with gauges.

Note: This tab displays only when editing reports or viewing them using the layout view. See View Data Using the Report or Layout View.

Format Tab

Group/Button Description


The buttons in this group let you change the font style, size, and color. You can also select font attributes, such as bold and italic, and change the text’s alignment. In addition, you can add a background color.


Click this button to select the width of the margins around the selected column. The available options are None, Narrow, Medium, Wide, and Custom. Selecting Custom lets you specify the number of pixels for the top, bottom, left, and right margins.


The buttons in this group let you add borders to the column and change the borders’ display options. You can identify which borders you want and choose the borders’ color, size, and style.


The buttons in this group let you apply conditional formatting to the column, change the column’s width, freeze the column, and hide repeating values in the column. You can also select other display options for the column.

Conditional Formatting

Click this button to apply conditional formatting to the column’s data.


Click this button to select a width for the column. Select Best Fit to automatically set the width based on the amount of space needed to display the column’s contents. Best Fit also takes into account the width needed by other columns in the report. Select Percentage to specify a percentage of the total report width for the column.

When using Best Fit, all content in the report is examined to calculate column width before the report displays. To reduce the report load time, enable Improve Display Performance. See Change Data Display Options.

Freeze Column

Click this button to fix the selected column in place so it does not move when you horizontally scroll the report. This can be helpful if you want to continue to view the first column in the report while scrolling the report to see the columns on the right of the report.

When you fix a column, all columns to the left of the column are also fixed. You can still scroll the columns to the right of the fixed column.

Hide Repeating

Click this button to hide consecutive repeating values in the column. For example, if the name of a staff member is shown in the column in five consecutive rows, you can hide repeating values to show the name in only the first column.

If the Exclude Hidden Values from Calculations check box is selected on the Column Format window’s Alignment tab, any calculations on a column with the Hide Repeating option enabled do not include values in hidden rows.


Click this button to select display options for the column.


The options in this group let you display numeric values as a gauge and select numeric formats. This group displays when selecting a column containing numeric values.


The options in this group let you select a date format for the column and view the format. This group displays when selecting a column containing date/time data.