Change Data Display Options

You can select data display options to control a number of features that modify how data in your report displays.

For example, you can add or remove row numbers and add links to the report, which allow staff members with appropriate permissions to modify records returned in the report. You can also output report data in a record format.
  1. From an open report, click the Page Setup tab, and then click the button to the right of the Display group name.
    The Display Options window opens.
  2. Click the Data Display Options tab.
  3. To format the report in record layout, select Display Columns in a Record Layout. See Display Data Using Record or Tabular Layouts.
  4. To fix the report’s column headers at the top of the report so they're always visible when scrolling the report, select Fix Column Headers.
  5. To add row numbers to each row of the report, select Display Row Numbers.
  6. To display multiple calculations in the report on separate lines, select Display Calculations on Separate Rows. If this check box isn't selected and the report displays more than one calculation, the calculations display on the same line.
  7. To reduce processing time when using the Best Fit option to automatically size report columns, select Improve Display Performance.
    By default, the Best Fit option examines content in every row and column in the report to calculate column widths. Selecting Improve Display Performance changes the processing to examine only the content initially displayed on the screen and in every 100th row in the report. Since not all content is examined, report load times are reduced, though some items in the report might be truncated.

    The Improve Display Performance option is ignored when using a report with cross tabs, rollups, conditional formatting, and exceptions, since these require examining all content before the report is displayed.

  8. To add a column to your report which displays actions you can take on records in the report, select Display Links Column and select the commands you want to include in the column.
    If the rows do not see unique records, such as a specific incident or contact, the Display Links Column check box is disabled.
  9. Click OK.