Change Page Options

The Page Options tab on the Display Options window contains settings which control report width and the margins surrounding the report content.

  1. From an open report, click the Page Setup tab.
  2. Click the button to the right of the Display group name.
    The Display Options window opens with the Page Options tab selected.
  3. Enter field information.

    Page Options Tab

    Field Description

    Report Width

    Define the width of the entire report using the available options.

    Best Fit

    Select this option to display the report columns within the width of the window if possible. If data would otherwise be truncated, the width of the report spans beyond the open window and a scroll bar is added to the bottom of the page, allowing you to view the entire width of the report.

    When using this option, all content in the report is examined to calculate column width before the report displays. To reduce the report load time, select the Improve Display Performance data display option. See Change Data Display Options.

    Fit in Window

    Select this option to display the report columns within the width of the window. This can result in column names and data being truncated.

    Specific Width

    Select this option to manually specify the report width in pixels, inches, or centimeters.


    Define the left, right, top, and bottom margins for the report.

  4. Click OK.