Report Design Tab

When viewing a report in the layout view, you can select a column and select options on the Design tab to change how the data in the column is presented. For example, you can add calculations to the column or roll up the column’s data.

Note: This tab displays only when editing reports or viewing them using the layout view. See View Data Using the Report or Layout View.

Design Tab

Group/Button Description


The buttons in this group let you move and hide the selected column.

To show hidden columns, right-click the header of a visible column, select Insert Hidden Column, and select the column you want to show.


Click this button and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending to sort the data in the report by the values in the selected column. See How You Change Report Sort Order.


The buttons in this group let you add calculations to the selected column. You can hover over each button to view a description of the calculation. You can also choose to show multiple calculations on a single row or on separate rows. See Add Calculations to a Report Column.


The buttons in this group let you group the information in the report by the selected column. You can also change the ordering if your report has multiple rolled-up columns. See Define Rollups.


The buttons in this group let you slice the data in the report by the selected column. You can also change the slice level if your report’s data is sliced by more than one column. You can choose to display slice columns as a tree or as links. See How You Slice Report Data.