How You Slice Report Data

Slicing a report allows you to group tabular data sharing common values in fields included in the report.

Slicing a report allows you to group tabular data sharing common values in fields included in the report. You can then select from the slice tree or links and view only the report data that matches the selected field values. For example, in an incidents report, you could slice by the assigned staff member to display incidents assigned to that person. You could then further break down the incidents assigned to the staff member by other fields such as status.

Note: When slicing and cross tabs are applied to a report at the same time, the cross tab is applied first, followed by slicing.

An example of an incidents report sliced in this manner is shown in the following figure. The slice options are displayed in a tree format.

This figure shows a sliced incident report with slice options in tree format highlighted. It is described in the surrounding text.

The next figure shows a report sliced on assigned account with the slice options displayed as links.

This figure shows a sliced incident report with slice options in link format highlighted. It is described in the surrounding text.
Tip: You can hide the slice section in your report by clicking the section’s Auto-Hide button or you can remove slicing from the report by clicking the Close button on the slice section’s header.