Slice Report Data

You can configure a report you’re viewing to display the report’s data in slice groups.

  1. From an open report, click the Home tab.
  2. Click Slice. The Slice window opens.
    Tip: When viewing a report using the layout view, you can select a column, click the Design tab, and click Slice to slice the report by the selected column.
  3. Enter field information.

    Slice Window

    Field Description

    Slice By

    Select from the following options to define the slice by column values or buckets.

    Column Values

    Select this option to define slicing by specific values in the fields included in the report. For example, if slicing on the incidents’ Status Type field, you can slice on Unresolved, Waiting, or Solved.


    Select this option to define slicing by groupings of values in the fields included in the report, such as Solved and Waiting incidents. When you select this option, the window changes to let you define the groupings. See Define a Slice Bucket.

    Display Slices

    Select from the following options to define how the slice groups selection appears in the report.

    As a Tree

    Select this option to display slice groups in a tree that's docked to the report.

    Show Group Counts

    Select this check box when displaying slices as a tree to include the number of records in the slice group. The number displays next to each group name in the tree.

    As Links

    Select this option to display the slice groups as links above the data. This option is available only when a single report field is included in the slice.

    Slice Items By

    Select the fields to slice items by. If more than one field is selected, the first field defines the top slice group, and the subsequent fields selected define subgroups in the top group. If there are multiple slice fields defined, and the first is set to None, the other slice fields are also cleared.


    Select these options to sort the entries in the slice tree or links in ascending or descending order.

    Sort by Menu Sequence

    When slicing by a menu field, such as incidents status, select this check box to order the slice groups using the order of the options in the menu field. If this check box isn't selected, the slice groups will be ordered alphabetically.

    This option can be configured only when editing the report on the report designer. See Open the Report Designer.

    Drag and Drop Options

    Click this text to configure custom drag-and-drop options for inline editing. See Use Slicing to Edit Records.

    This option can be configured only when editing the report on the report designer. See Open the Report Designer.

    Clear All

    Click this button to reset all slice fields to None.

  4. Click OK.
    The report displays with the slice groups you defined.
  5. To remove slicing from your report, click Slice > Reset.
  6. To display the number of records in each slice group displayed as a tree, click Slice > Display Group Counts.
    The number of records in each slice group displays next to the group names in the slice tree.
  7. To switch between displaying slice groups as a tree and as links, click Slice > Display Slice Items > As a Tree or As Links.
    Note: If you’re slicing by more than one column and change the display from a tree to links, only the first slice column displays.