Define a Slice Bucket

Slicing records by buckets lets you define groupings of data to sort on that would not be allowed by slicing on specific values in a field.

For example, slicing incident reports on the date created values may not be effective since the unique values in date/time fields cover a small span of time. Slicing on such a field would result in very granular slices. However, defining a slice bucket on the date created field would allow you to slice the report output by incidents created during a date range, such as the past seven days.
  1. From an open report, click the Home tab.
  2. Click Slice.
    The Slice window opens.
  3. Select Buckets in the Slice By section.
    The options on the Slice window change to let you create, edit, or delete buckets.
  4. Select the field on which to slice from the Slice Column drop-down list.
  5. Click Add Bucket.
    The Slice Bucket window opens.
  6. Enter field information.

    Slice Bucket Window

    Field Description


    Enter a name for the new bucket.


    Click this drop-down list to select the operator to use. Operator options are the same as those available when defining filter values, described in Overview of Report Filters.


    Select the values from this field to add to the bucket. The available values change depending on the field selected. For example, some fields display drop-down lists with various values to select, while other fields display a calendar to select specific dates or date ranges.

    To specify values from menu fields, you must manually enter the value. When using the In List or Not In List operators, the values must be comma-separated. Text values must be enclosed in single quotation marks. For example, to enter multiple names from the Incidents.Assigned field (incidents.assgn_acct_id), enter them as ‘Bob Jones’,‘Sarah Smith’,‘Tom Payne’.

  7. Click OK to return to the main Slice window.