Define a Cross Tab Report

Cross tabs let you display report output in a table to summarize large amounts of data.

Using a cross tab table, you can select the fields to define the table’s rows, columns, and output fields, essentially grouping the data by both the row and column output. The output fields are a culmination of the row and column data. For example, if you had a report that returned the number of incidents assigned to each agent and the incidents’ statuses, you could designate the assigned account column as a row field, status as a column field, and number of incidents as a data field. The output would be similar to the sample report displayed in the following figure, which shows the number of incidents categorized by assigned staff member and status.

This figure shows an example cross tab report. In this case, it's an Open Incidents report, and is described in the surround text. The report shows a status of “Created”, lists the names of the assigned accounts, and displays the number of solved, unresolved, and waiting incidents associated with them.

After you view your report data using the columns, rows, and output fields you define, you can select different fields to use as the columns, rows, and output fields. This lets you restructure the report to view groupings of different data, such as the number of incidents each staff member has, grouped by category instead of product. Without using cross tabs, the only way to retrieve these different summaries of data would be to use separate reports.

Note: When cross tabs and slicing are applied to a report at the same time, the cross tab is applied first, followed by slicing.
  1. From an open report, click the Display tab.
  2. Click Cross Tab.
  3. Select Choose Columns.
    The Cross Tab window opens.
  4. Enter field information.

    Cross Tab Window

    Field Description

    Available Columns

    This section lists the output fields included in the report available for cross tabs. Fields from this section can be dragged to the row, column, and output fields, or a field can be moved by selecting it and clicking the right arrow.

    Row Fields

    Move fields to this section to define them as rows in the report.

    Column Fields

    Move fields to this section to define them as columns in the report.

    Output Fields

    Move fields to this section to define them as output fields in the report.

    Display Output Fields

    The options in this section let you define where the headers for the output fields should be in relation to the column fields.

    Above Column Fields

    Select these options to place the output field above or below the columns’ values.

    Below Column Fields

    Perform Cross Tab Calculations

    Select this check box to perform cross tab calculations. An additional column displays for each cross tab calculation.

    Clear All

    Click this button to clear all fields and reset the cross tab definition.

  5. Click OK.
  6. To remove cross tabs from your report, click Cross Tab > Reset.
  7. To perform cross tab calculations on the report, click Cross Tab > Perform Cross Tab Calculations.
  8. To switch between displaying output fields above or below column fields, click Cross Tab > Display Output Fields > On Top or On Bottom.