Define Rollups

You can define rollup levels in a report to group data beneath headings in the report. You can add additional rollup levels to further break down the data under each heading by grouping data under subheadings.

Using rollups, you can group rows in a report that share the same value in the columns you select for the rollup levels. For example, you can use rollups in an incident report to group incidents by their status. You can then add a second rollup level to group incidents with the same status by their assigned staff account.
  1. From an open report, click the Home tab.
  2. Click Rollups.
    Tip: When editing a report on the report designer, you can select a column and click Rollup on the Design tab to roll up the report by the selected column.
  3. Select Choose Columns.
    The Rollups window opens.
  4. Enter field information.

    Rollups Window

    Field Description

    Rollup Items By

    Select output columns from the drop-down lists in this section to use as the primary rollup level. After you select a column, you can select the sort order for the rollup column. Options include Do Not Sort, Sort Ascending, and Sort Descending.

    You can add additional columns to the primary rollup level in this section by selecting the columns from the other drop-down lists. When multiple columns are used in a rollup level, the data displayed in the same rollup heading has the same values in all the columns selected for the rollup level.

    Show Field in View

    Select this check box to display the rollup column you selected as a column in the report. If this check box isn't selected, the column name displays in the rollup heading, but isn't included as a column in the report output.

    Then By

    Select output columns from the drop-down lists in this section to use as the secondary rollup level. After you select a column, you can select the sort order for the rollup column. Options include Do Not Sort, Sort Ascending, and Sort Descending.

    Secondary rollup levels break down the data in the primary rollup level depending on the columns selected for the secondary level.

    After you define a secondary rollup level, an additional Then By field displays. You can use this to define a third rollup level to further break down the data grouped in the secondary rollup level.

    Note: The header for the secondary rollup doesn't display if records grouped in the secondary rollup have null values for the rolled-up field and if the rolled-up column is formatted to display blanks for records with null values.

    Display Rollup Headings

    Select this check box to display the rollup headings and subheadings. Headings don't display if this check box is cleared. However, the report data is still sorted as if the headings were displayed.

    Display Rollup Headings Multi-Line

    Select this check box to display each rollup column as a separate heading. If this check box isn't selected when using multiple columns in the same rollup level, the columns for the rollup level display in the same heading.

    This check box is disabled if the Display Rollup Headers option isn't selected.

    Note: This option isn't currently supported on the Agent Browser User Interface.

    Display Rollup Column Headings

    Clear this check box to hide the name of the rolled-up column on rollup group headings. By default, the name of the column you roll up displays for each rollup group.

    Repeat Column Headings for Each Rollup

    Select this check box to show the output column headers before each rollup heading and subheading. If this option isn't selected, the column headers display only at the top of the report.

    Note: This option isn't currently supported on the Agent Browser User Interface.

    Display Group Counts

    Select this check box to display the number of items in each rollup heading and subheading.

    Collapse All Rollups when Report is Loaded

    Select this check box to collapse all rollups in the report when it initially loads.

  5. To remove the rollups you have selected on the Rollups window, click Clear All.
  6. Click OK to generate the report using the rollups settings.
    The report refreshes, displaying the rollup levels you defined.
  7. To quickly remove rollups from your report, click the arrow on the Rollups button and select Reset.
  8. To display the number of records in each rollup group, click the arrow on the Rollups button and select Display Group Counts. Repeat this to hide the headings.
  9. To display headings for each rollup group, click the arrow on the Rollups button and select Display Rollup Headings. Repeat this to hide the headings.
  10. To show the name of the rolled-up column in the heading for each rollup group, click the arrow on the Rollups button and select Display Column Headings. Repeat this to hide the column name.
  11. To display repeating column headers, click the arrow on the Rollups button and select Repeat Column Headings. Repeat this to hide repeating column headings.
  12. To collapse all the rollup headings in a report, click the arrow on the Rollups button and select Collapse All.

    When viewing a report with rollup headings, you can click the minus or plus button next to each heading to collapse or expand the headings to hide or display the rows beneath the headings.