Display Guided Assistance Information in Tree Format

Guided assistance allows you to offer help to your customers using questions that then branch to other questions or answers.

Displaying the guided assistance questions and responses in a way that clearly shows the relationships between them can be challenging using the standard formats available for reports. However, you can configure reports that output this information to display the report columns in a tree format to clearly show the branching relationships in the data. See Overview of Guided Assistance.

Note: This option is available only when the report displays information from the Guided Assistance Responses (decision_tree_responses) table. This option is disabled when the report is configured to display data using cross tabs. See Define a Cross Tab Report.

The following report is configured to display guided assistance data in a tree format.

This figure shows guided assistance report with report columns that display data in tree format to clearly show the branching relationships in the data. The report also shows, question, response, and percentage data visually.
  1. Open the report that contains the guided assistance information.
  2. Click the Display tab and then click Guide.
    The Edit Guide Display Options window opens.
  3. Enter field information.

    Edit Guide Display Options Window

    Field Description

    Available Columns

    This section lists the output fields included in the report. Fields from this section can be dragged to the row fields, question fields, and response fields sections, or a field can be moved by selecting it and clicking the right arrow.

    Row Fields

    Move fields to this section to define them as rows in the report. Row fields generally do not have a parent/child relationship with other data in the report, but instead show data that applies to the entire guide tree. For example, a row field could display the name of the guided assistance guide that includes the question and response fields.

    Question Fields

    Move fields to this section to define them as question fields in the report. These fields generally display information pertaining to the questions, such as the question description or question type.

    Response Fields

    Move fields to this section to define them as response fields in the report. These fields generally display information pertaining to the responses, such as the response description or response order.

    Parent Question Field

    Click this drop-down list and select the field you want to use to display the parent question in the tree. Only integer or text type fields can be selected.

    Child Question Field

    Click this drop-down list and select the field you want to use to display the parent question’s child questions. Only integer or text type fields can be selected. In addition, the field type must match that of the field selected for the parent question field.

    Clear All

    Click this button to clear all fields and reset the guide display options.

  4. Click OK.