Add Page Breaks

You can add page breaks to your reports to make them easier to use.

If page breaks are added to a report, only the specified number of rows display. A report with page breaks includes controls to go to other pages.
Note: When page breaks are added to a report, the slicing, cross tab, and rollups options are disabled. In addition, page breaks are disabled in published reports.
Page breaks can be added from the Search window or from the Display tab when viewing a report. The following procedure describes adding page breaks from the Display tab. See How You Search in Reports for information about using the Search window.
  1. From an open report, click the Display tab.
  2. Click Page Report and select the number of rows per page you want for your report.
  3. To specify a different number of rows per page, click Page Report and select More Options.
    1. Select Page Report. If the report is already paged, this check box is automatically selected when you open the window.
    2. Enter the number of rows you want on each page in the Rows per Page field.
    3. Click OK.
  4. To remove paging from the report, click Page Report and select Remove Paging.

    After you select the number of rows you want, the report displays with a list of page numbers and arrows at the top of the page. Clicking |< or >| takes you to the first or last page of the report. Clicking < or > takes you to the preceding page or the next page of the report. If enough pages are present in the report, you will also see << and >> at the top of the report. Clicking these arrows displays the preceding or next set of page numbers in the report controls.