Enable Auto Filters

You can add auto-filtering to report columns, giving you a quick way to filter data on any field included in the report.

When this feature is enabled, a down arrow appears in the specified column headings of a generated report. By clicking the down arrow, you can filter the report by a value in that column. For example, in a column that displays incidents’ associated products, you could click the down arrow to select a certain product. Only incidents associated with that product would display in the report.

Auto filtering hides filtered records but does not remove them from the report output. For this reason, total record counts displayed on the report will not change when auto filtering is used.

  1. From an open report, click the Home tab.
  2. Click Auto Filter to display arrows next to each column in the report. Click the Auto Filter button again to turn off auto filtering.
  3. To filter on a column, click the down arrow in the column’s header to open the drop-down list for the column.
    Note: When data is filtered by a value in a particular column, the down arrow in that column’s header changes from blue to red to show that filtering is active.
  4. To show only those records that have a specific value for the column, select the value to filter on. Any records that do not have this value are removed from the report output.
  5. To remove any filtering on values in the selected column, select All.
  6. To show only those records with values at the top or bottom ranges of the selected field’s values, select Top 10. When you select this option, the Top 10 window opens.
    1. Select Top or Bottom from the Show drop-down list to define whether the records with the highest or lowest field values are displayed.
      The definition of what a high or low value in a field is depends on the type of field. For example, in date fields, the oldest dates are at the top and the newer dates are at the bottom, whereas values in text fields are in descending alphabetical order.
    2. Select the number of records or the percentage of the total number of records returned in the report to include in the filtered data.
    3. Select whether the filtered data should include a specific number of items or a percentage of the total number of records.
    4. Click OK.
  7. To create a custom filter on the field, perform the following steps:
    1. Select Custom.
      The Custom Auto Filter window opens. Only records that match your custom filter display in the report.
    2. Define the custom filter you want to use.
      The filter options vary somewhat depending on the type of field that's being filtered on. For example, date fields include calendar options, whereas text fields do not. However, every window has a drop-down list from which you can select the operator, and an area to enter the filter value. See Overview of Report Filters.
      Note: To specify values from menu fields, the value must be entered manually. When using the In List or Not In List operators, the values must be comma-separated. Text values must be enclosed in single quotation marks. For example, to enter multiple names from the Incidents.Assigned field (incidents.assgn_acct_id), enter them as ‘Bob Jones’,‘Sarah Smith’,‘Tom Payne’.
    3. Click OK.