Report Page Setup Tab

The Page Setup tab lets you configure printing options. You can also change the background, margins, and width of reports.

Each tab has one or more groups containing buttons you can use to modify printing or display options. Some groups have an arrow to the right of the group name that you can click to open a window. For example, you can click the arrow on the Background group to open the Display Options window.

Windows give you access to the same features you can access from the ribbon, although the windows group the options differently, and sometimes contain options not available from the ribbon.

Page Setup Tab

Group/Button Description
Print The buttons in this group let you configure printing options and add the Page Header and Page Footer sections. Click the arrow on the Print group to open the Page Setup window. See .

This button group displays only if your profile includes the Print/Export/Forward Reports permission. See .

Print Margin Click this button to select the size of the margins used when printing. The available options are Normal, Narrow, Medium, and Wide.
Size Click this button to select the paper size. The available options are Letter, Legal, Executive, A3, A4, and A5.
Portrait/Landscape Click these buttons to print in portrait or landscape mode.
Page Header/Page Footer Select these check boxes to include a page header and page footer when printing the report.
Print to Fit Select this check box to scale your output to your printer default page width and send it to the printer.
Background The buttons in this group let you add a background color. You can add a gradient color to blend into the primary color and choose how intense the colors should be with the Transparency setting. Click the arrow on the Background group to open the Display window.
Fill Color Click this drop-down list to select a background color.
Gradient Click this drop-down list to apply a gradient to the background.

This option is available only after you have selected a fill color.

Transparency Click this drop-down list to apply a transparency to the background.

This option is available only after you have selected a fill color.

Display The buttons in this group let you add margins and set the width. Click the arrow on the Display group to open the Display window.
Margin Click this button to define the amount of white space around the printed output. The available options are None, Narrow, Medium, Wide, and Custom. Selecting Custom lets you specify the number of pixels for the top, bottom, left, and right margins.
Width Click this button to select the width of the entire printed output. The available options are Best Fit and fit to Window.