Report Display Tab

The display tools let you adjust the fonts, colors, margins, and other display settings in the viewed report.

Display Tab

Field Description
Views Click the arrow on this button to choose whether to view the report using the report view or layout view. See View Data Using the Report or Layout View.
Auto Format Click this button to apply a style to a report. See Apply a Style to a Report.
Sections The check boxes in this section let you show or hide the Docked Filters, Charts, Exceptions, Report Header, and Report Footer report sections. You can also use the buttons in the group to select how you want to display the data, search criteria descriptions, and output descriptions.
Data Click this button to select how you want to display the report’s data. You can choose to hide the data, display the data in a tabular layout, or display it in a record layout. See Display Data Using Record or Tabular Layouts.
Search Criteria Click this button to hide or show the report’s search criteria. You can show the criteria inline or on a separate tab. See Add Search Criteria Descriptions for information about search criteria descriptions.
Output Descriptions

Click this button to hide or show the report’s output description. You can show the description on column rollover, inline, or on a separate tab. See Display Output Descriptions for information about output descriptions.

Options The buttons and check boxes in this group let you add page breaks to the report, apply cross tabs, add links and row numbers, fix column headers, show multiline calculations, and select the fields and data exceptions you want to view.
Field Chooser

Click this button to open the Field Chooser window and show or hide output columns in a report. See Hide or Show Columns Using the Field Chooser.

Cross Tab Click this button to select cross tab options and open the Cross Tab window and select the output columns to use as cross tabs. See Define a Cross Tab Report.

Open the Cross Tab window and select the output columns to use as cross tabs.

Page Report Click this button to add page breaks to a report and select the number of records to display on each page. See Add Page Breaks.
Links Click this button to select the action links you want displayed on the report or to hide links that you do not want displayed. The available links vary depending on the type of record the report returns and on the links that are enabled when editing the report.

This button is active only if the current report level displays unique records and the report is configured to display links by default. See Add Record Command Links to a Report.

Exceptions Click this button to show or hide data exceptions. See Show or Hide Data Exceptions.

This button is active only if the current report level includes data exceptions.

Guide Click this button to configure the report to display guided assistance response data in a tree format. See Display Guided Assistance Information in Tree Format.

This button is active only if the report includes data from the Guided Assistance Responses (decision_tree_responses) table. The button is also disabled if the current report level is configured to display data using cross tabs.

Fix Column Headers Select this check box to fix the column headers. Fixed column headers do not move when you use the vertical scroll bar.
Row Numbers Select this check box to display row numbers in the report.
Multiline Calculations Select this check box to display calculations on separate rows.