Report Home Tab

The buttons on the Home tab let you search for records in the report, refresh the report, and modify records displayed in the report.

Buttons to modify records are shown on the tab only when the current report level displays individual records. These options vary depending on the type of records shown in the report and are disabled if the staff member viewing the report lacks permissions to perform the action.

Home Tab

Group/Button Description


The buttons in this group let you work with the specific records returned in the report. The available buttons vary depending on the type of records returned in the report and permissions in your profile.

When editing custom reports, you can choose the buttons you want to display on this group. See Change Record Command Actions.

The buttons in this group are displayed only if the report level you view returns unique records that can be edited such as incidents, answers, contacts, or organizations.


Click this button to open the selected record. To open a record that's associated with the selected record, click the arrow on the button and select the type of record you want to open. For example, you could open the contact record for the customer who submitted the selected incident.


Click this button to create a record of the same type as the record selected on the report. To create a record of a different type, click the arrow on the button and select the type of record you want to create.


Click this button and select the record you want to print. You can print the selected record or another record associated with the selected record. For example, to print the contact record of the customer who submitted the selected record, click the Print button and choose Contact.


Click this button and select the record you want to copy. You can copy the selected record or another record associated with the selected record.


Click this button and select the record you want to assign to another staff member. You can assign the selected record or another record associated with the selected record.


Click this button and select the record you want to delete. You can delete the selected record or another record associated with the selected record.

Preview Answer

Click this button to view the selected answer as it will display on your site’s customer portal. This button displays only when viewing a report that lists answers.


Click this button to forward the selected record in an email.


Click this button to propose the selected incident as an answer. This button displays only when viewing a report that lists incidents.

Fill Inbox

Click this button to assign incidents to yourself from incident queues. This button displays only when viewing a report that lists incident information and when the permissions in your profile let you pull incidents from queues. This button must be manually enabled on custom reports. See Change Record Command Actions.

If the report is configured to use the report database, it will automatically be updated to instead use the operational database when you click Fill Inbox. This ensures that the report uses current data when assigning incidents. See Fill Your Inbox and Overview of Report Databases.


Click this button to open your default email program to send an email to the contact associated with the record.


Click this button to open the chat sessions workspace to monitor agents’ chat sessions. This button displays only when Chat is enabled and when the permissions in your profile let you monitor chat sessions.

Force Logout

Click this button to log out the selected staff account. This button displays only when the report returns staff account information and can be enabled or disabled on custom reports. See Change Record Command Actions.


This group displays when inline editing is enabled on the report. The buttons in this group let you save and edit records using inline editing. See How You Edit Data on a Report.

Data Set

The buttons in this group let you search for data in the report, refresh the display, and reset the search criteria to the report’s defaults. See How You Search in Reports.

The buttons in this group aren’t available when viewing a report that was queued. See Overview of Queuing Reports.


Click this button to open the report’s Search window to select criteria for variables and runtime selectable filters.


Click this button to reload the data shown using the report’s current search criteria. If staff members are permitted to change automatic refresh settings, an arrow is added to the button. You can click the arrow to enable or disable automatic refresh and set the refresh interval. See Change Report Properties for information about changing refresh intervals.


Click this button to reload the data shown using the report’s default search criteria.


Click this button to open the Find window to enter text, numeric values, or special characters you want to find in the report’s output. Report cells that contain the search value are highlighted on the report. See Find Content in a Report.

Find Next

Click this button to highlight the next instance of the search values entered on the Find window.


Click this button to clear the search values entered on the Find window.


The buttons in this group let you sort the data shown on the report and apply auto filtering, rollups, and slicing to the data.

Auto Filter

Click this button to enable auto-filtering in the report. Auto-filtering provides column filtering after the report has been generated. See Enable Auto Filters.


Click this button to open the Sort window and select which output columns to sort by and the sort method. See How You Change Report Sort Order.


Click this button to select rollup options and open the Rollups window. See Define Rollups.


Click this button to select slice options and open the Slice window. Slicing groups data so you can view only the subset of records you’re interested in. See How You Slice Report Data.


The buttons in this group let you export the report, forward the report in an email, save and restore default settings, and view and export the report definition.


Click this button to export the data from a report to a file for use with third-party applications. You can export report data in the following formats: HTML, PDF, Excel, XML, Image, and Delimited. See Export Report and Dashboard Data.

Permission to export, print, and forward reports must be enabled in your profile for this button to display. See Analytics Permissions.


Click this button to send the report to individuals or distribution lists in an email. See Forward a Report.

Permission to export, print, and forward reports must be enabled in your profile for this button to display. See Overview of Staff Management.

Default Settings

Click this button and select Save as Default to save your personalized display and data settings for a report for later use. Select Restore to remove personalized display and data settings from a report and restore the settings to those defined in the report. See Reset Display and Data Settings.

This button isn't available on a report’s Home tab when viewing the report in a dashboard.


Click this button and select View to view the report definition, showing descriptions of the report’s tables, columns, filters, and other information describing the report’s structure. Click Export to export the definition to a file which you can import into another interface to copy the report. Click Edit to open the report for editing on the report designer.

See View a Report Definition. For information about editing reports, see Open the Report Designer.

This button isn't available when viewing a report that was queued. See Overview of Queuing Reports.