Forward a Report

You can forward reports and dashboards in emails.

After you view a standard or custom report, you can immediately forward the report as an HTML email to one or more recipients. You can also forward dashboards using the same procedure. Certain modifications may be apparent when viewing forwarded reports.
Note: You can forward reports as long as the resulting HTML email does not exceed 8 MB.
  1. From an open report, click the Home tab.
  2. Click Forward.
    The Forward Report window opens.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Type one or more email addresses in the To field. Multiple addresses must be separated by semicolons. You can also enter addresses in the Cc field to send copies of the email to other addresses, or enter addresses in the Bcc field to send copies of the email to other addresses that are hidden from the other email recipients.
    • Click To, Cc, or Bcc to open the Select Names window. From this window you can add recipient addresses by selecting from a list containing staff members, groups, and distribution lists. See Select a Recipient.
  4. Select a format for the forwarded email. Options include HTML Email or HTML Attachment (Images/Charts stored on the server).

    Not all email clients show HTML emails in the same manner. If email recipients cannot view a forwarded report correctly, select the HTML Attachment (Images/Charts stored on the server) format. Email recipients can then save the image or chart to their hard disk and then open it in a browser. The images and charts used in the email are stored on the server for the number of days specified in the KEEP_EMAILED_IMAGES configuration setting. See Analytics Configuration Settings for information about this and other configuration settings that impact reports.

  5. Enter a subject for the email.
  6. Enter any text you want to appear in the email in the Comment text box.
  7. Click Send.