How You Publish Reports

Publishing a report lets you modify the data and display options of an existing report and then save a copy of the report in the reports explorer that other individuals can access.

After a report is published, it cannot be modified and the report data remains unchanged even as the knowledge base is updated. This ensures that your audience is presented with the report as you want them to see it.
Note: To open a published report, staff members must have permission to access the report in the reports explorer folder where it's placed. You can change report permissions by editing the published report, or by editing Analytics permissions in the profile. See Set Report Permissions.

The published report appears exactly as it appeared when you published it, with the following exceptions.

  • Drill-down links are disabled for report levels and linked reports.
  • The report’s runtime selectable filters aren't available.
  • Actions that can be taken on individual records in the report are disabled. Therefore, buttons on the Home tab’s Record group aren't available, inline editing is disabled, and action links aren't displayed.
  • Paging is disabled for published reports. See Add Page Breaks.
  • The Publish option isn't available.
  • If the report style the report used when it was published is deleted, a default report style is used when rendering the published report.
You can also automatically publish a report at specific times using the Published format when you schedule a report. Published reports created in this manner are saved in a custom reports folder you select on your site where your audience can access them. If you specify an account or email address when you create the report schedule, a notification or email is sent when the published report is created.
Tip: You can view the published reports you own using the My Published Reports standard report.