Overview of Report Databases

B2C Service sites have a copy of their database, called a report database, available for reporting purposes. Report databases are also referred to as replication databases.

Running reports on this database is generally faster than running reports on the operational database where normal activities, such as adding and editing incidents, occur. In addition, since report databases are used only for reporting, they have higher thresholds on the amount of time reports are allowed to run and the number of database rows reports are allowed to query.

Note: Reports that you attempt to run on the report database can still encounter limits on the number of database rows that can be queried, though the row limits are considerably higher than those on the operational database.

A report that does not run successfully on your operational database may run successfully on your report database. However, since the data on report databases is copied from the operational database at fixed times, the data displayed on reports run on report databases may not be as current as the data shown on reports run on operational databases.