How You Specify Which Database Reports Run On

You can specify whether you want a report to always run on the operational database or the report database. The system can also automatically force a report that fails to run on the operational database to instead run on the report database.

By default, reports are configured to run on the operational database. However, they can automatically switch to the report database (also referred to as the replication database) if they cannot run on the operational database. When you attempt to run a report, the system reviews the database query generated by the report. If the query will take longer than 10 seconds to run or will query more than 2,000,000 database rows, the report automatically runs on the report database. Reports run on this database can query up to 5,000,000 rows. The report owner receives a notification if their report is changed to run on the report database.

Note: When reports are run from editors, such as the incidents editor or the Quick Search menu, they run on the operational database regardless of the reports’ configuration. In addition, reports that include the Fill Inbox record command always run on the operational database. See Change Record Command Actions.

After a report is modified, either manually or automatically, to run on the report database, it will continue to do so unless you edit the report and specify that it runs on the operational database. You can also specify that the report always runs on the database you select to avoid the report automatically changing to run on a different database. In addition, you can require that the report is queued or not queued when it's next run.