Export Report and Dashboard Data

The data shown in reports and dashboards can be exported to several different file formats. You can then view the data in third-party applications. The information that's exported and opened in third-party applications is subject to the functionality of those applications.

Data can be exported to HTML, PDF (Portable Document Format), Excel, XML (Extensible Markup Language), Image, or Delimited formats. You can also export the report output to the clipboard.
When viewing a report, a maximum of 50,000 characters can display in a single field even if the field contains more characters than this. However, up to 300,000 characters in a field can be exported, though character limitations in third-party applications may still be encountered when viewing the exported report.
Tip: If you want to copy the contents from a few cells in your report or dashboard to another application, you do not need to export the data. Instead, you can right-click the cell you want to copy and select Copy Cell to Clipboard. After the data is on your clipboard, you can copy the data to other applications.
  1. Run the report or dashboard to display the data you want to export.
  2. Click Export on the Home tab.
    A menu of export options displays.
  3. Select the type of export file that you want.

    Export Format Options

    Field Description


    This option exports the data to an HTML-encoded document, which is compatible with exporting images and charts. Reports and dashboards can be exported using absolute or relative HTML layouts. See Export Report and Dashboard Data for descriptions of export options.


    This option exports the data to a PDF file, which is compatible with exporting images and charts. When you select this option, you can have the file’s page width set automatically or use the options on the Page Setup window.


    This option exports the data to a Microsoft Excel file.

    When exporting in this format, the version of Microsoft Excel installed on your workstation is automatically checked and the data is exported to an .xls or .xlsx file depending on the version.


    This option exports the data to an XML file.


    This option exports the data to a .jpg image file, which is compatible with exporting images and charts.


    This option exports the data to the workstation’s clipboard. The data can be exported to the clipboard in HTML, Tab Delimited, or Comma Delimited formats. After the data is on the clipboard, it can be copied to other applications.


    This option exports the data to a character-delimited file. When you select this option, the Delimiter Selection window opens, where you can specify the character you want to use as the delimiter. You can select Comma, Space, Tab, Pipe, Caret, or a custom delimiter you select. The delimited format is intended for use with tabular data only.

    When you select a format (with the exception of the Clipboard format), the Export Options window opens where you can specify the file name and save location, whether to include the report or dashboard name, and whether all the data should be returned or only data shown on the current page. The HTML, PDF, and custom delimiter export options include additional export options.

  4. Select the options you want applied to the export file.

    Export Options Window

    Field Description


    This field displays the file name and where it is saved to. When the Export Options window is initially opened, a default directory location and file name displays.

    Save to Folder (folder icon)

    Click this button to open the Save As window if you want to specify an alternate location or file name.

    Launch Application

    Select this check box to automatically launch the application associated with the file type the data is saved to when you close the Export Options window.

    If you’re exporting a large amount of data, you may want to clear this check box to prevent the application from attempting to immediately open when you export the data.

    Append Date/Time to File Name

    Select this check box to append a date/time stamp to the file name that shows when the export file is generated. The date/time stamp is appended to the end of the file name before the file name extension.

    Date/Time Format

    Enter the format you want to use for the date/time stamp you append to the export file name. The default format is %Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S. This creates a date/time stamp with the year listed first, followed by the month, day, hour, minute, and second (such as 2012-02-25 09.43.30). The format you specify is automatically saved to your personal settings so this becomes your default format the next time you export a report or dashboard. See Reference Information.


    Click this button to reset the date/time format to the default format (%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S).

    Save the Selected Directory as the Default Directory

    Select this check box to make the folder you specify your default export directory. Selecting this check box saves the folder name to your personal settings so future exports are saved to the specified folder.

    Add Report Name to Output

    Select this check box to include the report’s name in the export file.

    This option isn't available when exporting dashboards. Report names display in exported dashboard files if their title bars are enabled in the dashboard’s display options. See Edit Dashboard Options for information about including report title bars on a dashboard.

    Data Set

    The options in this group let you specify whether to export all the data returned by the report’s current search criteria, or only data shown on the report when the Export button is clicked.

    Data Set options display only if the report’s output is restricted by record limits, page limits, slicing, or auto-filters when the Export button is clicked. This option isn't available when exporting dashboards, published reports, or queued reports.

    Export Current Page

    Select this option to export only the data currently shown on the report.

    Export All Data

    Select this option to include all the data from the report, up to 100,000 rows, regardless of the report’s current record limits, page limits, slicing, or auto-filters settings.

    This option isn't functional for reports that were queued.

    HTML Options

    Select how you want the HTML file to be generated in this section.

    This section displays only when you select HTML format.

    Use Absolute Layout

    Select this option to format the export file using absolute layout. The exported report or dashboard will match the display of the original very closely, though discrepancies may be noticed in some reports and dashboards.

    Some browsers do not support printing HTML files that use this layout.

    Use Relative Layout

    Select this option to format the export file using relative layout. The exported report or dashboard will be similar to the original, though there may be some discrepancies.

    Most browsers support printing HTML files that use this layout.

    PDF Options

    Select how you want to specify the width of the PDF document in this section.

    This section displays only when you select PDF format.

    Set Page Width to Best Fit the Report

    Select this option to automatically set the width of the PDF file to best fit the width of the report or dashboard. This method displays the report or dashboard in its original width, though the size of fonts may be reduced and the file may use landscape orientation to fit wide reports and dashboards.

    Use Printer Page Setup to Set Page Dimensions

    Select this option to open the Page Setup window to manually select margins, paper size, and orientation for the PDF file. Print a Report for information about this window.

    Excel Options

    Select how you want to format date/time columns for the Excel file in this section.

    This section displays only when you select Excel format.

    Convert All Dates into Excel Formatted Dates

    Select this check box to convert all the date and time values shown in the report’s columns to Excel’s MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI AM/PM date format. Selecting this option ensures the date columns in the exported data is consistent with Excel’s functionality.

    Include Cell Images

    Select this check box to include images that are displayed in the report’s or dashboard’s cells in the exported file.

    This option is selected by default.

    Custom Delimiter

    Enter the custom delimiter you want to use in this field. This option displays only when you select the Delimited > Custom format.

  5. Click OK.
    If you selected the Launch Application check box, the application associated with the exported file’s file type opens.