Print a Report

After you run a report, you can preview it to see how it will look on a printed page and then send it to a printer.

When previewing a report, you can zoom in and out of the displayed page, view multiple pages, and specify how the pages should display in the preview window. Before you print the report, you can specify print options, including paper size, margin width, and page orientation.
  1. Open the report you want to print and click the Page Setup tab.
  2. To automatically scale the report to your printer’s default page width, select Print to Fit.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To specify page setup options, such as page margins, click the button to the right of the Print group name to open the Page Setup window where you can set printing options.
    • Select printing options from the Page Setup tab’s Print group. See Report Page Setup Tab for option descriptions.

      Tip: If you know the specific options you want, it can be faster to select them from the ribbon. Opening the window gives you an overview of all the available options.
  4. Enter field information.

    Page Setup Window

    Field Description


    This section contains options for selecting paper size and source.


    Click the appropriate paper size for the report from this drop-down list. The available paper sizes depend on your selected printer.


    Click the paper source from this drop-down list. The available paper sources are dependent on the printer that is currently selected.


    Select whether the report should be printed in landscape or portrait mode.


    Define the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom margins for the report.

    The measurement units used for the margin size are determined by your workstation’s environment.


    Click this button to select the printer you want to use.

  5. Click OK.
  6. Click File, select Print, and then do one of the following to select your printing preference.
    1. Select Print to open your workstation’s print window where you can define printer settings and send the report to the printer.
    2. Select Quick Print to send the report directly to your default printer using the printer’s default settings.