Analytics Permissions

Options on the Analytics page determine the reports that staff members with this profile can access for each available interface.

You also can assign access to the analytics features, such as creating custom reports and dashboards.

If you are unable to perform certain actions on a report or dashboard, the cause may be that you lack the Analytics permissions needed to perform the actions.

Analytics Page

Field Description


These options define the analytics permissions for staff members with this profile.

Select All

Select this check box to select all check boxes in the Analytics section.

Create/Edit Reports

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile create custom reports and edit custom reports they have access to.

This permission is required to open the Reports explorer.

Customize Reports

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile customize a report after it has been generated.

This permission is required to access Analyze options on the Reports explorer ribbon.

Create/Edit Public Reports

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile create and edit public reports and create public folders on the Reports explorer.

Modify Inline Report Editing

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile create reports with inline editing. This permission also lets staff members edit data inline on the Agent Browser UI.

Print/Export/Forward Reports

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile print, export, and forward reports.

Create/Edit Schedules

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile create and edit schedules for reports and dashboards.

Create/Edit Custom Scripts

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile create and edit report custom scripts.
Note: Submit a Service Request if this permission is enabled but the option to create a custom script is disabled on the Report Designer.


Select this check box to give staff members with this profile administrator all analytics permissions. This permission is required to edit standard reports.

By selecting this check box, all other check boxes are automatically selected.


The options in this section let you select which reports staff members with this profile can run and edit.

Custom folders that do not contain reports do not display in the list of reports.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile Open or Edit all folders.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile run the reports in each folder. You can expand report folders to select individual reports.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile edit the reports in each folder. You can expand report folders to select individual reports.


Select this option to search for a report. This feature is useful for finding a report and setting its permissions.