Apply a Style to a Report

Styles can be applied to reports to change how the report text and background are displayed.

The fonts, colors, backgrounds, spacing, padding, and borders for the different report areas can all be changed by applying a style. If the style is associated with a chart style, the appearance of charts added to reports can also be modified.

You can use one of the predefined styles, edit an existing style, or create your own style and save it to use immediately or for reports you view in the future. For procedures on editing and creating styles, see Styles Explorer.

Styles you create or default styles can be applied to any report you view. The style you apply to the report impacts the report’s appearance when you print it, export it in certain formats, and forward it to others. There are a number of default styles to select from. When creating a report for use on the Browser User Interface, we recommend using the Web Theme style which is formatted for use with web browsers.

  1. From an open report, click the Display tab.
  2. Click Auto Format.
    The Auto Format window opens.
  3. To prevent the style from being applied to other levels in the report, clear the Apply Style to All Report Levels check box.
  4. Click the style you want to use.


The report is updated to use the style you select.