Workspace Rule Actions

Immediately after a rule is triggered (and all conditions are met), its actions are performed.

Actions provide a wide array of functions to meet your business needs. They can be used to set the value of a field or change its required, read-only, or visibility status. They can set the visibility of controls on the workspace. Actions can even hide individual items within menus. For example, an action can change the properties of the Status field to allow staff members to select from only two of the four incident statuses.

Every rule must have at least one Then action, which is the result of the rule being triggered and its conditions being met. Else actions can be added if conditions have been defined in the rule. Else actions can use any of the same actions as Then actions, except they are performed when the rule conditions are not met. For a list of available workspace rule actions, see Workspace Rule Actions Description.

Note: If a rule action triggers a connector in a desktop workflow, the workflow will advance to the next element without running any subsequent rules in the workspace. See Add a Connector Event.