Workspace Rule Actions Description

The available rule actions depend on the type of workspace and the fields and controls you have added and are described in the following table.

All rule actions listed in this table are supported in the Service Console and on the Agent Browser UI.

Rule Actions

Action Description

Set the value of a field

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a field and the value you want to set for that field.

In addition to setting an absolute value, you can set relative values for some field types. Relative values are defined by adding or subtracting (or appending or prepending) a value to the previous value.

Set menu field to include menu items

Add this action and click the underlined text to select items you want to appear in a specified menu field.

When selecting items in hierarchical menus, you can select the parent item to add the parent and all child items to the list, or you can select only the child items you want.

Set menu field to exclude menu items

Add this action and click the underlined text to select items you want to hide from a specified menu field.

Make a field required

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a field that you want to require staff members to complete.

Make a field optional

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a field that you want to be optional (not required) for staff members to complete.

Make a field read only

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a field that you want to be uneditable by staff members.

Make a field editable

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a field that you want to be editable by staff members.

Hide field

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a field that you want to be hidden from staff members.

Show a field

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a field that you want to be visible to staff members.

Set the value of an input control

Add this action and click the underlined text to select an input control and the value you want to set for that control.

Note: A control with a value that can be changed at runtime must be added to the workspace for this action to be available on workspaces used on the Agent Browser UI.

Set the URL of a web browser control

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a browser control and specify a URL for it to load.

Note: A browser control must be added to the workspace for this action to be available on workspaces used on the Agent Browser UI.

Assign the value of a text box control to a field

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a text box control and give its value to a text field.

Note: A text box control must be added to the workspace for this action to be available on workspaces used on the Agent Browser UI.

Make an object read only

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a control that you want to be uneditable by staff members.

Make an object editable

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a control that you want to be editable by staff members.

Hide an object

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a control that you want to be hidden from staff members.

Show an object

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a control that you want to be visible to staff members.

Focus a tab

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a tab or subtab that you want to receive focus.

Hide a ribbon button

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a button on the ribbon that you want to be hidden.

When you choose to hide a ribbon button, all instances of the button on the workspace ribbon will be hidden.

Show a ribbon button

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a button on the ribbon that you want to be visible.

Invoke a guide

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a guide to display to staff members.

This option is available only if guided assistance is enabled on your site.

Prompt agent to select a guide

Add this action to prompt staff members to select a guide to display.

This option is available only if guided assistance is enabled on your site.

Prompt agent to search for a guide using a report

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a report and prompt the agent to search for a guide using the selected report.

This option is available only if guided assistance is enabled on your site.

Run a script

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a script control and the script that you want to run in it.

This option is available only if agent scripting is enabled on your site and you have added a script control to the workspace.

Fire a named event

Add this action and click the underlined text to enter the name of an event that you can use to trigger a script branch, desktop workflow connector, or another rule.

Named events let you trigger a workspace rule from a script rule or a script rule from a workspace rule. For example, you could create a script rule to fire a named event when a button control is clicked. You could then create a workspace rule to set the Status field to Solved when the named event is fired.

Execute an editor command

Add this action and click the underlined text to select an editor command that you want to run. Any of the record commands that are available as ribbon buttons for the workspace type can be selected, such as Save, Print, Propose, and Refresh.

Execute an add-in action

Add this action and click the underlined text to select an add-in action that you want to run.

Add standard text to thread

Add this action and click the underlined text to select a standard text to insert into an incident thread. Any standard text that has Rule Text enabled can be inserted as customer entry, response, or private note type threads.

The Incident Thread relationship item does not need to be added to the workspace for this action to occur. However, the new thread entry will not be committed until the incident is saved.

Add answer to thread Add this action and click the underlined text to select and display an answer from your knowledge base into the incident thread. You can determine whether the answer is included in the thread as a customer entry, a response, or a private note. You can select whether to include the answer as text or as a link. Specify which answer you want included by the answer ID or using the search.

Display a message box

Add this action and click the underlined text to define a customized message that will display in a new window. For example, you can use this action to alert the agent when an incident contains a high severity issue or is missing important information. You can define the window title and the text of the message and select an icon to indicate the message context (none, error, information, question, or warning).

Show an Intelligent Advisor Interview Add this action to show an Intelligent Advisor Interview. Specify the Policy Model and the Locale.

Make the editor read only

Add this action to make all content in the editor read-only, preventing further changes from taking place to the record. For example, you could add this action to prevent agents from making changes to solved incidents.

Request Insights Add this action to show the Insight sidebar.
Show an Insight Add this action to add an item to the Agent Insights panel, and show the panel if necessary. Specify the item Title, Message, and the Named Event to be executed when the Insight is accepted.
Show Best Answers Dialog Add this action to display the Best Answers dialog. Best Answers displays a list of answers marked as best answers. You can also select the answer that best resolves the incident.