Survey Reminders

Reminders prompt your audience to take the survey if they have forgotten about it or to finish it if they have already started but have not yet submitted it. This increases your participation rates and, ultimately, gives you more data about your customer experiences.

We recommend implementing survey reminders into your strategy from the start. For detailed information about how to make survey reminders effective, see Best Practices for Creating Effective Survey Reminders.

For broadcast and transactional surveys, you can add up to four automatic reminder messages to create a sense of urgency for customers to complete surveys within a time frame you specify.

The audience for survey reminders can include recipients who have not started the survey, recipients who have started but have not completed the survey, or both. When a reminder is sent to a customer who has started the survey, the survey page that the customer was on is the page that opens (as long as cookies are enabled on the customer’s computer) when the customer comes back to finish the survey.

You can also exclude segments of your audience from your reminders. For example, suppose you have a customer who unsubscribed from your list since the initial invitation message was sent. You could create a segment that uses a custom opt-out field in the filter criteria and then exclude that segment from your audience. See Create a Segment.

  • Survey reminders apply global opt-in and external suppression list options to your reminder audience if those options are selected on the Audience tab of your survey. However, even if recency and frequency of communication options are selected for the initial audience, they are not applied to the reminder audience because the scheduling and frequency options you define for each reminder take precedence over any recency and frequency options that may be selected for the initial survey audience.
  • The system is designed to prevent duplicates by allowing only one reminder to be sent to the same audience on the same day.

While there are two standard reports that apply to survey reminders (Survey Reminder Statistics and Broadcast Response Timeline), you can use the audit log to track your broadcast survey reminders without needing to run a report. When reminders are sent for broadcast surveys, a new row is added to the audit log, which is available on the survey Summary tab.

Tip: Survey reminders can be scheduled to send between 1 and 365 days after your initial invitation message is sent. Since it takes at least one day before your first reminder can be sent, be sure to take this time factor into account when creating survey reminders.