Add a Survey Reminder

Survey reminders increase your participation rates and, ultimately, give you more data about your customer experiences. You can add up to four automatic reminder messages to broadcast and transactional surveys, creating a sense of urgency for customers to complete surveys within a time frame you specify.

Keep in mind that after a reminder is sent, you cannot edit, proof, or delete that reminder. However, for transactional surveys, you can suspend the reminder, make edits, and then re-launch it. See Survey Delivery Statuses.
  1. From an open survey, click the Reminders tab.
    You can send up to four reminder messages to your audience. From the toolbar, you can create a reminder, edit, delete, and send proofs of your reminders.

    Reminders Tab

    Column Description


    This column displays the name of the survey reminder.


    This column displays the email subject line for the message that is sent to your audience about the survey reminder.


    This column displays the recipients who are included in the reminder message audience. Options available include the following:

    Not Started—Sends the invitation message to recipients who have not submitted any pages of the survey.

    In Progress— Sends the invitation message to recipients who have started but have not completed the survey.

    By default, both options are selected.

    Reminder Days

    This column displays the number of days after the initial invitation message was sent that the reminder message will be sent.

    The minimum value of this field is 1 day and the maximum value is 365 days.


    This column displays the delivery status of the reminder. See Survey Delivery Statuses.

    This column is available only for broadcast survey reminders.

  2. Click New on the toolbar to add your first reminder message.
    The Survey Reminder window opens.
  3. Enter the name of the reminder message in the Name field.
    Tip: Be specific when naming your reminder messages to help keep track of the different reminders you create. For example, “1st reminder sent 7 days after invite.”
  4. Enter the number of days after the initial invitation message is sent that the reminder message will be sent in the Reminder Days field.
    This value must be unique for each reminder that you add in order to prevent duplicates by allowing only one reminder to be sent to the same audience on the same day.
  5. Enter the subject your audience will see in the Subject field.
  6. To insert a merge field into the subject line of your reminder message, click the Merge Field icon (to the right of the Subject field) and select the merge field. For example, you could use the special field, Survey Expiration Date, to let your audience know when the survey expires. See Insert a Text Merge Field.
  7. Define your message text and any other content or formatting options for your reminder using either the HTML editor or the Text editor on the Content tab. See How the HTML Editor Works and How You Create and Edit Text-Only Messages.
  8. Click the Audience tab to define the audience for your reminder. By default, both the Not Started and the In Progress check boxes are selected in the Included section.
    1. Clear the Not Started check box to send the reminder message only to recipients who have started the survey.
    2. Clear the In Progress check box to send the reminder message only to recipients who have not started the survey.
  9. To exclude a segment from the audience, click Add Segment in the Excluded section.
    The Select Segment window opens where you can select segments you want to exclude.
  10. To edit a segment that is excluded from the reminder, click Open next to the segment name. See Add Filters to a Segment.
  11. To remove a segment from the Excluded section, click Remove next to the segment name.
  12. To count the number of contacts who will receive the reminder, click Refresh in the Count section.
    Note: The Count section is available only for broadcast surveys and data is available only after the survey reminder is sent.
  13. Click OK.
    The new reminder is added to the Reminders tab.
  14. To add another reminder, click New on the toolbar and repeat steps 3 to 13.
  15. To open a reminder for editing, select the reminder and click Open.
  16. To delete a reminder, select the reminder and click Delete.
  17. To copy a message to create another reminder, select the message and click Copy. You can then open the copy and make your edits.
    A document is automatically created and stored in the Automatically Generated folder in the Documents explorer for every copy of a reminder message. Changes made to content in any of the copied reminder messages are not shared with the original reminder message or subsequent copies. See Automatically Generated Folders.
  18. To send a proof of a reminder message, select the message and click Send Proof. See Send a Proof.