Automatically Generated Folders

The Documents explorer contains a folder for content that is automatically created when a document is saved or copied in a mailing or survey.

The system creates a copy of each document that is inserted in a mailing message or a survey invitation message, and each page that is added to the questionnaire in a survey. Each copy is stored in the corresponding subfolder in the Automatically Generated folder. You can reuse these documents or use them to track the content you have used in previous mailings or surveys. Additionally, automatically generated copies of each message template can be found in the Automatically Generated folder. However, the message template documents are read-only.

The Tracked Links explorer also contains an Automatically Generated folder that contains all tracked links that are created when the tracked link converter runs. See Convert Links to Tracked Links.

Note: If you modify the content in a mailing or survey, those changes are also made to the automatically generated copy and impact all other instances of that copy. For example, if you create a mailing and insert an existing document on the Message tab, a copy of that document is automatically generated and stored in the Automatically Generated folder. Each time you modify the content in that mailing, the copy is also modified, but the original document is not modified. However, if you share a document with a mailing or survey, every time the content is updated, all occurrences of the document are also updated.

Automatically Generated Folders

Folder Description

Documents explorer

The Documents explorer contains the following automatically generated folders.

Mailing Messages

This subfolder contains a copy of every document created on the Message tab in a mailing after the mailing is saved. The new document is named “YYMMDDHHMM <mailing name>” where YYMMDDHHMM is the year, month, day, hour, and minute of the first save, and the mailing name corresponds with the name of the original mailing. If more than one message is used (for example, the same document is reused in multiple mailings), the new document is named “YYMMDDHHMM <mailing name>: <message name>” where “message name” corresponds with the message defined on the Message tab of the mailing.

The document name is limited to 80 characters.

Message Templates

This subfolder contains a copy of every administrator notification, administrator email, and contact email for this interface. The documents are named the same as the corresponding message.

These documents are read-only.

Survey Invitation Messages

This subfolder contains a copy of every document created on the Invitation Message tab in a survey. The new document is named “YYMMDDHHMM <survey name>” where YYMMDDHHMM is the year, month, day, hour, and minute of the save, and the survey name corresponds with the name of the original survey.

The document name is limited to 80 characters.

Survey Pages

A subfolder is created for each survey created in basic mode and is named the same as the corresponding survey. These folders contain a document for each page in the questionnaire. When you add, edit, or delete a page in the questionnaire, the corresponding document is also modified.

Documents are read-only if they are created in basic mode but can be edited if they are converted to advanced mode.

Survey Reminders

This subfolder contains a copy of every document created on the Reminders tab in a survey. The copy is named “YYMMDDHHMM <reminder name>” where YYMMDDHHMM is the year, month, day, hour, and minute of the save, and the name corresponds with the name of the original reminder.

The name is limited to 80 characters. You can edit the reminders in this folder as long as they have not been sent.

Tracked Links explorer

The Automatically Generated folder in this explorer contains all of the tracked links that are created every time the tracked link converter runs. The tracked links are organized in subfolders using the YYYY-MM-DD format, which corresponds to the date the tracked links are generated. See Convert Links to Tracked Links.

You can edit or move the tracked links in this folder.