Overview of Audiences

B2C Service provides two methods for grouping contacts to create audiences for your broadcast mailings and surveys: contact lists and segments.

Contact lists are static lists comprised only of contacts that have been explicitly selected, changing only when you manually add or remove contacts. Segments are dynamic lists comprised of contacts that match one or more fixed filters that you specify. Because segments are dynamic, their contents change over time as updated contacts fall in and out of alignment with the filters.

When you create a mailing or survey, contact lists and segments can be used alone or included with (or excluded from) other lists and segments to form your audience. You can include and exclude a total of fifty contact lists and segments, each containing a vast number of contacts. This gives you all the flexibility you need to assemble audiences that are specific, optimized, and efficiently maintained.

For information about uploading contacts to your knowledge base, see Add a Contact. For information about adding segments and lists to mailings and surveys, see Define the Broadcast Mailing Audience and Define the Broadcast Survey Audience.