Define the Broadcast Mailing Audience

You specify the audience your broadcast mailing will be sent to from the Audience tab.

You can include and exclude a total of fifty contact lists and segments, each containing a vast number of contacts. For example, you could include twenty-two segments of contacts and exclude twenty-eight contact lists for a total of fifty lists. You can also restrict the scope of your audience, set mailing frequency and recency limits, and specify how to handle global opt-in and suppression options. See Overview of Audiences.

  1. From an open mailing, click the Audience tab.
  2. To include a list in the audience, click Add Contact List in the Included section. The Select Contact List window opens.
    1. To add a contact list, click New Contact List and see Add a Contact List.
    2. Select the list you want to include in the mailing audience and click OK.
      The list is added to the Included grid. Contacts belonging to the list will receive the mailing unless they are in an excluded segment or list.
  3. To include a segment in the audience, click Add Segment in the Included section. The Select Segment window opens.
    1. To add a segment, click New Segment and see Create a Segment.
    2. Select the segment you want to include in the mailing audience and click OK.
      The segment is added to the Included grid. Contacts belonging to the segment will receive the mailing unless they are in an excluded segment or list.
  4. To exclude a list from the audience, click Add Contact List in the Excluded section. The Select Contact List window opens.
    1. Select the list you want to exclude from the mailing audience and click OK.
      The list is added to the Excluded grid. Contacts belonging to the list will not receive the mailing.
  5. To exclude a segment from the audience, click Add Segment in the Excluded section. The Select Segment window opens.
    1. Select the segment you want to exclude from the mailing audience and click OK.
      The segment is added to the Excluded grid. Contacts belonging to the segment will not receive the mailing.
  6. To edit a list or segment that is included in or excluded from the mailing, click Open next to the list or segment name. See How Contact Lists Work.
  7. To remove a list or segment from the Included or Excluded sections, click Remove next to the list or segment name.
  8. Enter field information to set communication options.

    Options Section

    Field Description

    Honor global opt-in

    Select this check box to send the mailing to contacts who did not explicitly opt out of receiving mailings. Clear this check box to send the mailing to all contacts in the audience, regardless of their opt-in preference.

    Limit frequency of communication

    Select this check box to set a mailing frequency limit, and then enter a maximum number of mailings and a number of days in which contacts can receive messages before they are excluded from mailings. When the mailing is launched, it is not sent to any contacts who have received the maximum number of mailings within the designated time period. For more information about how this setting works, see Frequency and Recency Limits.

    The minimum you can enter is 2 in the last 1 day. The maximum number of days you can enter is 90.

    Tip: To ensure contacts receive only 1 email every “x” number of days, use the Limit recency of communication setting described in the next entry.

    Limit recency of communication

    Select this check box to set a mailing recency limit. Enter the minimum number of days that can elapse before contacts receive another email. When the mailing is launched, it is not sent to any contacts who have received a mailing in the past specified number of days. For more information about how this setting works, see Frequency and Recency Limits.

    The maximum number of days you can enter is 90. The default value is 1 day.

    Tip: Use this check box to ensure contacts receive only one email every “x” number of days. For instance, if you want your contacts to receive only one email per week, you can select this check box and then set the field to seven.

    Honor external suppression list

    Select this check box to exclude contacts in the external suppression list from receiving the mailing. Clear this check box to send the mailing to all contacts in the audience, even if they are in the external suppression list. See Overview of the External Suppression List.

    Limit delivery to a randomly selected subset of the audience

    Select this check box to send the mailing to a subset of the audience. Enter a percentage or use the up and down arrows to select a percentage of the audience to send the mailing to.

    Allow delivery of messages to multiple contacts sharing the same email address

    Select this check box to send messages to multiple contacts sharing the same email address. If this check box is cleared, the message is sent only to the contact most recently updated.

    This option is available only when email address sharing is enabled. See Email Address Sharing.

    Caution: Because duplicate messages sent to a single address are a common characteristic of spam, you should select this check box only when necessary. When the check box is selected and you attempt to schedule or send a mailing, survey, or proof, and duplicate email addresses exist in your audience, a message warns you that your reputation as a bulk email sender may be adversely affected and impact your ability to send future communications.

    Exclude from audience if previously sent

    Select this check box to exclude contacts from the audience who were previously sent a message from the same mailing. This option applies only to recurring mailings. Contacts excluded in this manner are also excluded from the audience count. See Add or Edit a Recurring Schedule for a Broadcast Mailing.

  9. To count the number of contacts who will receive the mailing, click Refresh in the Current Count section.
    After the audience has been counted, the last count also displays in this section.
  10. To view the details of an audience count, click Details in the Current Count section after the count has been performed.