Frequency and Recency Limits

There are several settings that let you limit the number of emails your customers receive through mailings and surveys. Two of the settings limit the frequency and recency of email communication with your customers.

Frequency limits let you control the frequency at which your customers receive email from your organization—in other words, how often an email will be sent to your customers. Recency limits let you define the number of days that pass between the emails that you send. Frequency is set using the Limit Frequency of Communication check box and recency is set using the Limit Recency of Communication check box, both accessed on the Audience tab of your mailing or survey. For specific details about defining these settings, see the Options Section table in the procedure about defining your audience.
  • Frequency and recency settings apply to the sending of email. These settings are not impacted by survey completion, views, or clicks. Following are two examples that demonstrate this point.
    • A customer received an email 31 days ago that included a transactional survey. However, the customer just submitted the survey yesterday. If recency on the next mailing is set to 30 days, the customer could receive another email from the system.
    • An agent presents a website link survey in a new browser window at the end of a chat. Since website link surveys are not associated with email, recency limits do not apply to this survey.
  • Frequency and recency settings apply to emails sent from both Outreach and Feedback and cannot be applied to only one product area. For example, suppose you have a rule to send a transactional survey after an incident is solved. Also suppose you add an Outreach broadcast mailing with frequency limited to no more than two messages in the last seven days. Now, one of your customers has two incidents: one solved on Monday and the other solved on Tuesday. If the broadcast mailing is scheduled for future delivery on Thursday, the customer will not receive the Outreach email sent by the mailing because of the two Feedback surveys emailed earlier in the week.
  • The system checks for frequency and recency limits at the time the email is sent. The system performs frequency and recency checks at the scheduled mailing or survey time. (The system also checks for custom logic such as any segments or business rules at this time.)