View Audience Count Details in Mailings

You can view the audience count to see how the count is calculated. You can see the included and excluded lists and segments, along with the number of invalid emails and opt-outs.

Before you start

You must count your audience before you can view audience count details.

Here's what to do

Do one of the following:
  • From the Summary tab, click Details next to Audience Count.
  • From the Audience tab, click Details next to Current Count.
The Audience Count Details window opens. This image shows the Audience Count Details window with columns for Audience Type, Gross Size, Overlap, Invalid Email, No Email, Duplicate Email, Audience Opt-Out, Frequency, Recency and Suppression, and Net Size of Audience. Definitions of these column labels are described in the following table.

Audience Count Details Window

Column Description
Name Lists the name of each segment or contact list included in or excluded from the mailing.
Type Lists whether the audience subset is a contact list or segment.
Gross Size Lists the number of contacts belonging to the list or segment.
Overlap Lists the number of contacts belonging to the list or segment who also belong to another list or segment in the audience.
Invalid Email Lists the number of contacts belonging to the list or segment who have an invalid email address.
No Email Lists the number of contacts belonging to the list or segment who do not have an email address.
Duplicate Email Lists the number of email addresses shared by multiple contacts. If the check box is selected on the Audience tab that allows delivery to multiple contacts sharing the same email address, this count is included in the net size count of the audience. If the check box is not selected, it is subtracted from the gross size when calculating the net size of the audience.

This option is available only when email address sharing is enabled. See Email Address Sharing.

Suppression Lists the number of email addresses that are excluded from the mailing because they are part of the external or global suppression list.
Opt-out Lists the number of contacts belonging to the list or segment who have opted out of mailings.
Frequency Lists the number of contacts belonging to the list or segment who are filtered by the mailing frequency settings.
Recency Lists the number of contacts belonging to the list or segment who are filtered by the mailing recency settings.
Net Size of Audience Lists the number of contacts in each list or segment who are included in or excluded from the mailing.
Total Audience Size Lists the net total number of contacts who will receive the mailing.
Note: Audiences are filtered from invitation emails in the following order: