Overview of the External Suppression List

In addition to the global suppression list applied across all B2C Service sites, you can use the external suppression list to define a site-specific list of email addresses that are excluded from mailings and surveys.

When a mailing or survey is sent or launched, the audience is automatically checked against both the global and external suppression lists and email is not sent to contacts with an email address on either list. This can help you ensure that certain addresses are consistently excluded from marketing and survey communications even if those contacts have not explicitly opted out.

Note: The global suppression list supplements your site-specific external suppression list to exclude a list of known SPAM addresses and invalid (or mistyped) domains. Although the external suppression list is honored by default, you can configure individual surveys and mailings to ignore the external suppression list and send to all audience members instead. Keep in mind that the global suppression list is always honored. See Define the Broadcast Mailing Audience and Define the Broadcast Survey Audience.