Add a Contact List

Contact lists are static sets of contacts you can use to define audiences for broadcast mailings and surveys.

Contact lists are static in that you add each contact to a list manually. Otherwise, the list does not change, even when a contact record is modified in the database. Every time a contact list is used, it returns the same set of contacts. You can create as many lists as you want and update them by manually adding or removing contacts as needed. After a contact list is created, you can update your audiences to include or exclude it.

Note: The following procedure assumes that you access the Contact Lists explorer from the Audiences navigation list. However, this explorer may reside in a different navigation list.
  1. Click Audiences on the navigation pane.
  2. Double-click Contact Lists Explorer.
    The Contact Lists explorer opens on the content pane.
  3. Click New.
    Tip: You can also create a contact list from an open contact list by clicking New. Additionally, if your navigation set is configured to add contact lists from the file menu, click File > Audience > Contact List. See Overview of Navigation Sets.
    A new contact list opens on the content pane.
  4. Enter field information.

    Contact List

    Field Description

    Enter any notes associated with the contact list in this field.

    Available for Proof

    Select this check box to let contacts in the list receive proof requests. See Send a Proof.

    Remove Contacts from Old List

    Clear this check box to let contacts stay in contact lists for longer than the time frame set in the database. When this check box is selected, contact list data is removed according to the value of a database variable that is set, by default, to 400 days. To change this value, Submit a Service Request. Also see Answer ID 4802.

    Tip: We recommend leaving this check box selected to ensure your database tables stay at a manageable size.

    This field displays the number of contacts in the contact list the last time it was counted and the date and time the count was performed.


    To view the details of a count, click Details in the Current Count section after the count has been performed. A window opens showing the number of contacts belonging to the contact list, and how many of those contacts have an invalid or duplicate email address or no address.

    A count must be performed before Details are available.


    To calculate the number of contacts currently in the list, click Refresh.

    The list must be saved before the count is refreshed.

  5. To add new and existing contacts to the list on the Contacts tab, see How Contact Lists Work.
  6. To view a list of actions taken on the contact list, click the Audit Log tab.
  7. To check the spelling of any fields that have spell checking enabled, click Spelling.
  8. Click Save.
    The Save As window opens.
  9. Select the folder you want to save the contact list in and tnter the name of the contact list in the Name field.
  10. Click Save.